Fanfiction #06 - Smile Again

Jan 25, 2007 12:35

Title: Smile Again
Rating/warnings: G
Genre: one shot, drabble, fluff
Characters: Charlie, Kate
Spoilers: none of note
Summary: Charlie talks to Kate about Claire.
Original Post Date: 25/08/2005 Post:
Disclaimer: Lost? Not mine.

She smiled gently at him. ‘You care for her.’ It wasn’t a question.

Charlie considered Kate thoughtfully for a moment before answering.

‘Yeah. Yeah I do.’

Kate nodded, content. ‘It’s good. After everything that’s happened here...’ she trailed off and took a moment before continuing. ‘It’s good to see two people just being happy - just enjoying each others company.’

Charlie didn’t respond this time and Kate tried to tactfully cover over the silence.

‘You smile more when you’re together.’ She observed.

‘Yeah,’ Charlie felt his mouth twitch into a small smile. ‘It feels good to be able to smile again.’

fluff, kate austen, charlie pace, friendship, gen

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