So, you guys might remember that, back in March, I got all excited about a new book, called Forged By Fate.
If you don't, go
here and catch up. Basically, it's a completely brilliant mythological fantasy novel, charting the many reincarnations of Adam and Eve. And Thor. Because Thor is awesome.
Now, one of the best things about it is that it's the first novel in a SERIES of completely brilliant books - Fate of the Gods - which is a totally wonderful title.
On August 13th, a novella was released - Tempting Fate (which you can buy
here). It tells the story of Mia and Adam and the delectable Jean DeLeon, and you are all going to LOVE IT, but you should totally read Forged By Fate first. ;)
The second novel in the series - Fate Forgotten - is being released on NOVEMBER 5TH, and it is my utter pleasure to be able to show you the cover art!
Isn't it pretty??
Since the gods returned Adam's memory six hundred years ago, Thor has been a scourge on his lives. But when Adam learns that Thor has been haunting his steps out of love for Eve, he is determined to banish the thunder god once and for all. Adam is no fool: Eve still loves the man she knew as Thorgrim, and if she ever learned he still lived, that he still loved her, Adam would lose any chance of winning Eve to his side, never mind liberating the world. But after everything Thor has done to protect Eve, everything he's sacrificed, the thunder god won't go without a fight. Not as long as Eve might love him again.
Which means that Adam has to find a new ally. The enemy of his enemy, complete with burning sword and righteous resentment of the gods. But in order to attract the Archangel Michael's attention, he needs Eve -- an unmarried Eve, willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
It shouldn't be too difficult to find her in the future. Not now that he knows how to look.
So, quick precis - go and read
Forged By Fate and
Tempting Fate and join me back here in November for the release of
Fate Forgotten!