Jun 09, 2005 15:16

I cannot express with words how lovely it is to be in Albuquerque, NM... because Lisa is HERE and she and I should just always be in the same place, thanks very much. It's so *necessary*. I don't think I even realized how exhausted I was before last night, when I could finally relax. I can sleep without her, but I can't rest. Not really.

She had work today, so I've just been hanging out; she's renting a room with a (very cool) woman who has two full-grown torti cats, and one TINY kitten. Tiny and absolutely adorable - she curled up under my chin while I was in bed reading this morning! Truly a very, very special little creature. The only bad thing about her is that she's been given the name of Darla, which Lisa and I can't abide to use because, well, ANGEL SEASON 2!!!!!!!! *ahem* So, we call her Squeak. I will take a picture before I leave, and post it at some point. This is one awesome kitty.

We're heading down to Old Town this afternoon when Lisa gets back, so that should be a good time. And then tonight, I think we're getting dressed up to go out to a fancy Italian restaurant. WoooHHHOOO! ;) Tomorrow night will be the crazy cool Brazilian meat place that heres_luck, Kevin and I went to during the PCA conference, and on Saturday, we'll take the tram up the nearby mountains and hike down. Better to be going downhill than uphill, here - the altitude is very different from what I'm used to, and I definitely found that it was affecting me on my bike ride along the Rio Grande today. Which, by the way, is not at all "grande" here in ABQ. The bike trail was almost as wide as the river! ;)

In fandom news, I got to hang out at heres_luck's place on Tuesday night and we pretty much geeked out about Firefly the whole time, which was awesome. If you haven't seen her Firefly vid to "Thistledown Tears" and Luminosity's vid "Serenity" (to Godsmack's song "Serenity"), you really really really should. REALLY. Go here and here, respectively. Awesome stuff... it still blows me away that for part of the time on Tuesday, she wanted to talk to me about *my* silly little vid! I got some amazing (and totally unlooked for!) feedback and encouragement, by the way, so who knows. Maybe I'll get some good software and a DVD burner and really try to do this RIGHT. I have a song in mind for what I think could be a very fun, upbeat Firefly vid, and I have a few BtVS ideas as well. Vidding really is a cool hobby - heres_luck and I talked a lot about how it's neat to actually use THE TEXT - clips from the show or film - and yet create something totally new and meaningful with those pieces of the whole. It's surprisingly similar to fic-writing in some ways, but totally and completely different in others. Another (related) neat thing about vidding, I think, is that it's fan-work in the same medium as the original. I mean, do some of you fic writers out there ever get the urge to *see* your piece, once it's done - in the same way that you get to see the film or show that it's about? That happens to me a lot.

Anyway. Lisa should be home any minute. I must dry my hair. :)
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