[music| Dandy Warhols - We Used to be Friends]
I doubt any of you will actually read this, but I'm posting it publicly because I want everyone to hear about how amazing Veronica Mars is.
You want to watch this show….
1. If you like a character driven show, held together with an overarching season arc stretching from the pilot to the finale.
2. If you love dramas that do a balancing act between dark serious realism of the world and sharp wit and laughing out loud humor. (Keep in mine the pilot is darker, and much more serious then the rest of the episodes in the season.)
3. If you want a show that you can care about the characters. A show that you can love the characters for all their faults, for all their strengths.
4. If you love a show that depicts humanity honestly and truthfully.
5. If you hate sugarcoating the grit of reality. This show is not afraid to face the facts.
6. If you like your characters to be fleshed out as three-dimensional living breathing human beings. People who screw up. People with layers upon layers.
7. If you love continuity.
8. If you think actions have consequences.
9. If you are plagued with the natural feeling of curiosity on a daily basis.
10. If you want to watch an amazing father/daughter dynamic.
11. If you hate mediocrity and dare to be different.
12. If you are sick of all the teenage shows that portray teenagers as idiots. Don’t be scared of the ‘high school’ thing. This is not your regular ‘high school’ show. In fact, this is not a high school show at all. This show deals with adult manners in adult ways.
13. If you love a show where no one is entirely good and no one is entirely evil.
14. If you love trying to guess what on earth they will do next with a show.
15. If you love a show that subverts the obvious. Nothing in VM is what it seems.
16. If you love a show that can have an A, B, C, and sometimes D plot all going on in one episode and weave them all together seamlessly.
17. If you like flashbacks.
18. If you like pretty colors. (This might make no sense. Watch the pilot and then you will understand. The cinematography is simply amazing.)
19. If you like tightly constructed episode scripts.
20. If you want to see some great acting.
21. And lastly, if you love the idea that the 17 year old characters re-wear their clothes like normal people. Yes, even the wardrobe team is great.
(taken from
http://zimshan.livejournal.com/8830.html . Read the rest there if it sounds interesting)
I'm hearing that Veronica Mars might be cancelled in May, despite the fact that it's one of the most highly praised shows on television. And the best, in my opinion. Last Wednesday was one of the best episodes, if not the best episode, of the season.
And Lost sucks. I mean, it's the biggest piece of shit show I've ever watched and I'm just clinging on to the hopes that maybe they'll go back to the character's storylines of last season rather than the SKOPOS "mysteries" of this season. But that isn't going to happen. So, if it's not better by the end of the season, I'm not going to watch next year. It's sucked all season.
Back to what is, in Joss Whedon's own words, the "Best. Show. Ever." If anyone wants, or is willing to give the show a try, you're welcome to borrow the dvds. But I'm getting the feeling that it'll be similar to Firefly. I'll keep insisting that it's amazing and everyone should give it a try, but no one will and I'll have to force people to watch by bargaining with them.
Joss said it best when he said, "Best. Show. Ever. Seriously, I've never gotten more wrapped up in a show I wasn't making, and maybe even more than those. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. Big emotion, I mean BIG, and charsimatic actors and I was just DYING from the mystery and the relationships and PAIN, this show knows from pain and no, I don't care, laugh all you want, I had to share this. These guys know what they're doing on a level that intimidates me. It's the Harry Potter of shows."
Does anyone reading this miss Buffy? Veronica Mars is most commonly compared to Buffy. But Joss Whedon prefers Veronica Mars and even appeared in an episode! Joss describes the show as fans describe every show he's created, only better.
I'll stop shouting the wonders of the show. Watch the dvds. Borrow mine. Come visit me and we can watch them. Just try watching Veronica Mars.
Now I'm off to watch the dvds.