Jul 02, 2007 12:37
I finally got around to watching the ToS anime yesterday. Interesting that Colette's not too annoying...(yet). I thought the end credits were particularly cute, actually. I remember reading somewhere that there are only 4 episodes planned...so just how much story are they planning to omit? Already there's no sign of Botta and not a whole lot of information about the Exspheres. I imagine that by the end of the second episode we'll have the scene at the Tower of Salvation, so that leaves about 20 minutes to build some sort of relationship between Kratos and Lloyd. Hmmm....
The manga seems to follow the storyline of the game much more closely. I've only read the first two chapters of volume one, but so far it's had pretty much every facet. Oh, except for, yet again, Botta. What's with that? D'you know, I don't even think there's a Botta fanlisting.... I may have to remedy that one day.
On another note entirely, my sister put on a load of weight towards the end of her degree and, while I was in fitness mode last summer, I was actually slimmer than her. She had to buy loads of work clothes last autumn, but now she's lost all the weight, half her wardrobe is too big for her! So I inherited a large number of garments last night. A few pairs of trousers, some skirts, lots of blouses and shirts and even a gorgeous jade two piece evening dress. I just need Mike to take me somewhere uber-nice now!
We're busy busy at work today, preparing for this meeting we're going to tomorrow. Chris and I get to go on an all day road trip, taking some samples to Toys R Us headquarters in Maidenhead, then attending a performance review at Argos headquarters in Avebury. Oh, the beautiful Milton Keynes! I'm trying to get my head around all the information - I'm pretty new to this account, but in two months' time I'll be running it alone! I'm getting pretty nervous.
[Edit] I'm actually doing a few hours in the office tomorrow, now, and driving to my boss's house in Northampton before the meeting. We're just too short-staffed to expect anyone else to be able to help Chris and me out on our account. Being behind with the orders already this week, I'll be mostly repeating the same conversation with customers tomorrow morning, about 70 times!) [/Edit]
tales of symphonia,
'tales of...' series,