
Jul 19, 2004 21:24

As soon as Photoshop reappears on my computer, I'm going to overhaul this thing and make it actually presentable. I've been working a ton on my personal site, which is still...I'd say it's 67% done. I can't wait till it's up...dreams/wishes are kinda weird that way. There's more excitement in the getting there than the actual occurence.

I've downloaded a ton of Yellowcard and now love them. Too bad none of them are cute, I need an attractive obsession to replace my Deryck, the hooker-dater. What's the difference between Paris Hilton and a hooker? Oh yah, one has more money, hahahahaha. Not that I'm jealous or anything. I'm so lame.

I have finals this week, which means I'm free for the rest of the summer (YES!!!) and can laze around as much as I want.

But I also have Drive Right...which is soooooo gay-we actually, in class, have to stick our arms out in front of us and pretend to drive. *Rolls eyes*.  And the teacher has this high, nasal, voice that gives me a headache. More of my problem because, oh, wait, I sit up front like the perfect student I am *pokes self*.

Wants: To see my person, to go shopping, to write a ton, to have Photoshop access, to be done with finals.

*Drops down snoring*

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