Jun 01, 2006 08:35
So I'm killing time before I have to go in for work for real this morning. I've got another 15 minutes or so and since I've just about caught up on e-mail and my livejournal friends page I've realized that I'll probably be updating a lot more this summer, if only because it gives me something to do here so I don't go in to work at all sorts of funny hours. Showing up early would be nice, but I don't want to get them used to it in case I can't come in early later. Bleh.
So I cut my hair yesterday.
Well, Raul cut my hair yesterday and I love it. It'd going to take some getting used to though. I basically told Raul the truth that I don't have much time for it and that I know I won't ever take the time to heatstyle it, and then I told him to do whatever he wanted to it that would look nice that was no shorter than shoulder length.
It's about an inch past my shoulders.
Oddly enough, I think I've lost a lot of my own emotional attachment to my hair so it's been a relief to cut it. not to mention the fact that it's marvelously light now. Disconcerting not to be able to reach behind me and feel it or throw it over my shoulder to play with anymore but I suppose it's for the best. Now I just need to figure out what I can do with it at this length. *pouts* I can't just do ponytails anymore.