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[Chey | Original Character] [Not Reserved] notthehead October 1 2010, 04:08:50 UTC
Player Information:
Name: Elle
Journal: noelleno
Method of Contact: pm
Previous characters: n/a

Character Information:
Full Name: Cheyndulamaribannb............just call him Chey.
Series: Original Character
Canon point: Hm...
Age: 4 (Earth years; relatively 15)
Species: Klovodokaravi
Appearance/PB: Tiny
He is a little over a foot tall with arms longer than his legs. Three fingers, two thumbs, no toes. There's a patch just at his hairline that keeps his hair shiny with poison.
Appearance upon arrival: Cold and scared of you.

Previous RP memories: N/A
Bringing someone along?: No
Character History:
The Klovodokaravi are a tiny species from a massive planet with three moons. A more industrious native people had long been overdeveloping much of the land, causing several side effects to the environment, many of which affected Chey and his kind negatively. Chey himself is raised in the midst of a massive migration with the hopes of finding a place to live that isn't overrun with pollutants. His sister was his only surviving family among the group he traveled with.

The fear of toxic death kept the Klovodokaravi moving until there was nowhere else to go but off the planet. Foreigners offered to ferry them away to a new home, but some were less than honest about it. Chey's kin are split between those that were safely carried off to other vessels and those that were stolen away to zoos and black market hubs for sale. Chey himself was with the former up until becoming separated in a rather dense and unusual alien megalopolis.

His wanderings amidst the big people led him to trouble, nearly eaten several times, and took ill of the environment rather quickly. A robotic lifeform called Jam finds him in that state and collects him, somehow nursing him to health as they leave the planet behind them. Chey quickly attaches to Jam over the rest of the small crew, and becomes a kind of pet in a way, curiously perusing the ship and learning the languages on board (and also avoiding being eaten several times over by the actual resident pet).

Once again, the environment starts to take a toll on his little body and Jam is advised to find a place to leave him behind. Chey will be drawn to the music box and Splendorocity around this time, just before becoming too frail.


notthehead October 1 2010, 04:09:13 UTC
Chey is fairly average for his species in disposition and appearance: he is understandably fearful of things bigger than him and is inclined to feel threatened by sudden gestures or loud noises. His ears are just as sensitive to the rest of him, so his attention can be quickly drawn from one sound to the next at the drop of a hat. Things get labeled "good" or "bad" very quickly, and Chey will either latch onto or outright avoid each as prescribed; it takes a lot of work to convince him that a bad thing can be safe, but it doesn't take very much to betray his almost childlike trust.

Despite the language barriers (he can't speak on a low enough frequency to be heard or understood), Chey can pick up spoken and written word very easily, prone to mimicking the facial expressions and mouth movements of a speaker as they talk. He likes to be very hands-on with his learning and exploring, and things he likes or is interested in will be touched, untied, picked, pulled, or other such things until being told not to. He doesn't need constant reprimanding to know when to stop doing something (except staring; he doesn't blink).

In dangerous or hostile situations, Chey's first instinct is to run and hide. Having big friends he can't help makes him sad in that sense, but he's very realistic about his stature and ability. Even so, if he sees some kind of opportunity to help, he'll give it a go (so long as it doesn't risk him getting killed in the process). His selflessness hasn't reached a point where he'd lay down his life for anyone, but then, he hasn't had many relationships that triggered it.

Overall, he is curious, honest, and exceedingly loyal to the things he likes, and distrustful and afraid of the things he doesn't. "Hate" isn't a word in his language, so he doesn't really go out and resent anyone/thing, even if the eating thing's an issue. That's just life.

Character Abilities:
Chey's body is accustomed to very strong gravity levels, so he can jump hella high and is exceptionally light. He floats in most atmospheres, but can't fly much without someone giving him a push. His bones are very strong, so all the walls he'll inevitably smash into won't hurt him much.

He has no offensive skills, but his hair is toxic to many people/things--human skin will break out in bad sores if his hair/head is touched, whereas certain animals could die from trying to eat him. So, y'know...don't try to pet or eat him.
Just the clothes on his back.
Anything else:
He has no pockets, but if he gets a shrinkified seal it will probably clip itself onto his clothing. Also he'll have no problem with carrying a key nearly half his height, so no need to shrink/adjust it for his sake.


notthehead October 1 2010, 04:09:25 UTC

Communcation thread/post sample:
[typical comm postings from Chey will be mental; his language is very wordy and his thought processes are naturally run-on sentency.]

It is very cold now and I do not like it and would like to leave for the other side of the city. The sky is white with the snow so I cannot leave alone could somebody find me? Somebody with a warm piece of clothes...[a hummy sound, thoughts slowing down.]




The long cloth on her neck. I can see her outside with her arms up and her head up like she is going to...[pause, trying to think of the word.]

I do not remember what it is called to have both arms going around one thing at one time.

Log/Prose sample:
With the breeze as present as it was that day, Chey was his own little sailboat. He found he could grasp the corners of his cap and hold them out at opposite ends to catch the sighs of air as they came, sailing down the street like a dandelion seed. He made for a very unusual and over-sized dandelion seed; he couldn't imagine himself in that moment, so the charm was lost on him. Much was lost on him already.

The wind puffed him into a lazy circle, staring back the way he'd come and finding it unchanged. It made him anxious again; where did that woman go? She had been very kind to him, especially when the dog had tried to make a chew toy out of him. He remembered that she left with the dog in tow and hoped that it was only because of how brave she was. The notion that she owned that big, brown monster was too much for him to consider. Nice people don't keep horrible company.

Then again, the fat man in the space ship had that horrible monster...

The perpetual frown got a bit frownier with his chain of thoughts, half-inclined to ask if it were true about the woman. Having the seal was convenient, even if he hardly understood how it worked. Nobody could mistake him for being stupid with it, at least, and that was good enough for him. The only real problem came with the people that liked to shout--some of them only got louder if he asked them to stop.

There was no shouting going on along that road at the moment, though, so Chey's concerns blew away with the last gust before bumping a mailbox post. With his ride temporarily halted, he twirled around the post and changed his direction, more float-walking than sailing down the alley. Each upward step sent him high enough to peek into windows he passed by, sometimes clutching at the sills to have a closer inspection. The further he went, the hungrier he got, and the last window he spied inside was laced with the nicest smells...

And a small dog, sleeping on a rug at the foot of an oven. Chey gave a faint, high-pitched whine of lament.

He still hadn't figured out his pitch was just the right frequency for dogs.


notthehead October 1 2010, 04:10:06 UTC
oh you stupid little font tag


⊰ Accepted! ⊱ fairygodmother October 1 2010, 05:37:57 UTC
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