⊰ Application #1 ⊱

Sep 07, 2010 17:38

This is our old application page!
For the new one, please see here!

⊰ Application ⊱❁ Applications will be processed at the beginning of each month. They will be open for one week at a time.

❁ If someone who applies after you gets accepted before you, don't worry, it's not because we skipped you! Your character's canon is probably just one we're not familiar with, and we're taking a bit longer so we can ask around and make sure your application fits!

❁ You may use recycled applications, though we would like your samples to be recent. You may also link your application, if it is located in an outside journal.

❁ You do not need a reserve to app, but there are no challenges on reserves or applications - if the character you want is reserved, you cannot apply as them or reserve them until the reserve runs out or the application is declined.

❁ If you are asked for revisions to your application, you have 48 hours to reply with them before your application is declined. You will have two chances to revise your app if problems persist before it is declined. You will not receive a warning comment when your time is about to run up! You will only receive one once it has run up.

❁ If your application is declined, you are welcome to apply for the same character again, but you will have to wait until the next application cycle to attempt for the same character again.

❁ Please put [CHARACTER NAME | FANDOM/ORIGINAL CHARACTER] (RESERVED/NOT RESERVED) in your comment header when posting your application.

Please make sure to have read the rules, the F.A.Q., and double checked the taken page before applying!

The Application
Player Information:
Name: Your name or handle here
Journal: Required. You may app using a handle, but we need a journal!
Method of Contact: AIM, MSN, Email, anything works. We just need a way besides your journal to contact you!
Previous characters: If you have previous characters in the RP, list them here!

Character Information:
Full Name: Your character's full name.
Series: Your character's series. If original character, just put 'Original Character'.
Canon point: The point you are taking them from in their canon.
Age: Their age or estimated age if uncertain.
Species: This is primarily for OCs or animal characters, but if your character is something aside from human, list it here!
Appearance/PB: A simple link to an image of your character will work. If using a PB, please give the name of their PB here.
Appearance upon arrival: Was your character in a big fight before they got yanked to Splendor? Are they injured, soaked to the bone, covered in paint, etc.? Let us know here! It'll serve for a great first conversation topic with whoever they meet!

Previous RP memories: If you are bringing in a character from another RP, let us know here and then include their previous memories in your history section.
Bringing someone along?: Does your character have a pet/familiar/etc. they are bringing with them? Let us know here, and then be sure to expand on their relationship with your character in your history section!
Character History: If your character is a fandom character, a brief explanation or wiki link will suffice. If they are an OC, we would like a detailed enough history that will help us understand your character, but you don't need to give us their entire life story.

This should be in depth for all characters, not just original characters. We want to make sure you know your character inside and out, not just their history or past experiences. Don't worry about writing a million paragraphs, but don't assume lots of paragraphs will make us more impressed - remember, quality over quantity!

Character Abilities: Does your character have any magical (or non magical) powers or abilities? Or maybe they just have some unique talents? List them here!
Possessions: Is your character arriving with anything from their home world? List their items here! Give descriptions if necessary.
Anything else: Does your character have something special about them we should know about? Some unique feature? Or do you have any additional comments or questions at all? Put that stuff here.

You will need two samples, an action/communication post and a log/prose post. Each sample can be from an external source. You haven't played in the RP yet, so we don't expect you to type up an intro post right here and now! If you want, you can link to a thread your character has been in instead of writing a new sample. However, there are a few guidelines:

❁ The sample must be recent, within the past month.
❁ The sample can be from another RP, a musebox, or even d_m, but please keep quality in mind. No crack threads for examples, please!
❁ The sample must be the character you are currently applying for; don't link us to a thread with an entirely different character!

Action/Communication thread/post sample: If you are writing a new sample, just give an example of an action/communication post that you would create. If you are linking a thread, make sure it is at least 15 comments in length.

Log/Prose sample: Quality over quantity here; let us inside the head of your character, don't just narrate their actions. We want to see how they think and analyze things. Current members do not need to provide this sample past the first application. If you are linking to an external prose thread, make sure it has at least one reply from you, or you are the author of the post.

❁ If you would like to test-run your character or thread a sample with a current member or mod, please make use of our test-run community, splendortrials! This is not required, we just wanted to provide you with a way to test-run your character if you're unsure and gain a sample at the same time.

Application Code
Player Information:
Journal: REQUIRED - You may use a sock journal, but we need a personal LJ!
Method of Contact:
Previous characters:

Character Information:
Full Name:
Canon point:
Appearance upon arrival:

Previous RP memories:
Bringing someone along?:
Character History:

Personality goes here!

Character Abilities:
Anything else:

Action/Communication thread/post sample:

Log/Prose sample:

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