Title: A Good Friend
Fandom: Tokio Hotel
Pairing(s): Tom/Bill (Mentioned)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own anything regarding Tokio Hotel and I do not claim any knowledge of these events to be true. Written here are simply musings of my mostly insane mind with the hope that other fans might enjoy them.
Warnings: Twincest (mentioned), fluffy enough to break your teeth :D
Summary: Written for the fluffathon hosted by
beren_writes awhile ago in response to this prompt: "Tom has had to go somewhere and the others are all staying in the same place. Bill can't sleep because Tom is away so Gustav is there to lend a hand."
Author's notes: So I don't know who requested this but I hoped they liked it :) Sorry for the LAaaaame title, lol
Dark, quiet in the house. It shouldn't be really, with four boys living under the same roof you would think that there was always some kind of noise but tonight it's quiet. Too quiet. Especially for Bill.
Lying awake with his blanket pulled up around his ears and back to a wall of pillows he sighs and tries to get comfortable. Again.
The bed is too large though, empty, it always is when Tom is gone. He tries not to make a fuss about it, he really does. Tom had to go home for the weekend so their dentist could fix the tooth he'd managed to chip and really it made absolutely no sense to have Bill go with him. If he'd complained Tom would have still had to leave.. and he'd have felt guilty doing it. So Bill had stayed.
Shifting for the infinite time he released a low sigh, eyes staring up at the ceiling and watching each lazy turn of the fan. If Tom were here he'd have been asleep half an hour ago. He'd be wrapped around him and tangled up in a way that really couldn't be comfortable for either party but somehow always was, and he'd possibly be snoring just a little... but only a little mind you.
The last time Tom had been gone overnight Bill hadn't slept more than maybe fifteen minutes total... he'd been crabby all the next day with dark circles and a cup of coffee permanently between his hands. The moment Tom had come home the G's had pushed the twins onto the couch with a blanket and a pillow and told Bill in a very -bossy- matter-of-fact tone to go to sleep, now.
Sighing heavily again Bill rolled and brought his hands up to punch his pillow, trying to get it comfortable. The resulting low chuckle from the doorway nearly made him jump out of his skin.
“Gustav!” Bill hissed quietly, only making his friend chuckle more. “Don't scare me like that.”
Pushing off of the door frame with an easy saunter that could only belong to their drummer, Gustav moved to crawl up onto the bed. “Sorry... didn't mean to.”
Bill watched him with wide eyes, blinking lightly when his friend moved to pull the cover back from Bill's chin. “What are you doing?”
Smiling Gustav slid under the blankets with preamble and reached behind Bill to steal one of his pillows. “Helping you get some sleep of course.”
Blinking again Bill hoped his brain caught up very soon. “Uh.. huh?” he muttered, very intelligently if he did say so himself.
Gustav turned onto his side to look at him, propping up on his elbow. “You can't sleep worth shit when Tom's not here. I know I'm not your other half but I can keep ya from sleeping alone in an empty bed.”
Tilting his head Bill found himself smiling slowly and shaking his head a little. “Always surprising me..” he said with a chuckle. “You know I'm an insufferable cuddler right?”
“Damn straight,” Gustav answered, lifting his arm to allow room for Bill to curl up. “Cuddling is the price for making me sleep in Tom's spot.”
Grinning a little Bill shook his head and moved to curl up against him. It wasn't the same as Tom, Tom was long and lean where Gustav was shorter and a little stockier. But he was warm and he smelled nice and he was tall enough that Bill's ridiculously long legs could wrap up around him. Best of all he had nice strong arms that came up automatically to wrap around him.
Smiling Bill shifted just a tiny bit and sighed out contently. Not Tom.. but definitely better than sleeping alone. “Night Gustav..” he breathed lightly.
Feeling the smile against his hair he was barely awake long enough to here the whispered reply of, “Goodnight Bill.”