
Nov 06, 2009 17:01

Just wanted to be able to share my progress :D

Here's the link to my page: FairyEyez on Nano

And a little excerpt from The Girl who Talks to Trees

Raindrops speak quietly. Each one a tiny voice, drip, drip, drop. A tiny little sound all by itself. It is only when they build together, one after another after another that anything with volume is heard. Like a room full of people whispering all at once. Each individual quiet, a murmur of insignificance but together- deafening in its volume. And likewise, impossible to understand.

A brook will speak a little clearer, several voices bubbling up together but if you know how to listen, focus, you can pick one out above the other. You can hear many stories if you're willing to sit a day and listen to a brook.

The world around us is always talking, whispering, shouting. Sometimes it's only idle chatter and other times something desperately important. People though, have forgotten how to listen. Many animals still listen, it's how a cat knows to get its kitten out of the building before the earthquake strikes... but humans, we've lost the skill.

Well, at least most of us have. There are some, an exceptional few, who understand what the world is telling us. Some of these people have spent their lives honing the skill and still only catch little whispers, the earth usually isn't talking to them, they're only the eavesdroppers. Others have a knack for it and catch the whispers, learn to pick out the ones meant for them and the ones meant for others.

For an even more select group of individuals it is a gift, a calling. The world doesn't just whisper to them.. sometimes it jokes, shouts, rants and occasionally bores to tears. For these few the voices of the world around them are as clear as any human voice to human ears.

There is one girl whom I'd like to tell you about, a girl more special perhaps than all the rest. For this girl the world around her not only speaks clearly, but it shows life in familiar shapes. For centuries people have been seeing faces in the rocks, the trees, even the clouds but they're just that, faces, inanimate and sometimes fleeting in their shape. For this girl, so different from all the rest, wherever you see a stagnant face, she sees a lively wealth of expression, hears the unique voice of the energy around her.

This gift of hers isn't something she asked for, not something she sought and it will never be something she can ignore. This girl, was born to this, her calling, her right. Her destiny. Her name, is Willow.

nanowrimo 2009

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