Nov 22, 2007 23:32
so i've learned a very important lesson yesterday. If i'm going down to my basement DO NOT WEAR SLIPPERS! I capitalized that to push the point. I fell so hard that i have a huge bruise on my arm and i don't mean a little black and blue it will heal in a couple of days, no this bruise is so bad it may take a couple of weeks to heal. I also have a bruise butt bone and leg. I really did fall hard last night. I thought for a second that i had broken my butt, well whatever bone is there. lol. I crawled back upstairs and cried. my step dad called me during this ordeal and i'm crying hysterical at this point. he just wanted to see when i was coming home and got a big ear full of crying and gasping for air. I toughened it up and drove an hour home. By the time i got home i was already bruising on my arm and limping when it came to walking. so the lesson, walk barefoot when going down stairs that have carpet or could be slippery. If that doesn't work then my cat is going to be without a home because that was the reason i went down into the basement. damn cat.