Mostly of interest to the gamers among you, but I know quite a few of you are lurking around...
Deirdre just put
a whole freakin' tonne* of gaming type stuff up for sale on ebay. We're trying to reduce the clutter around here in plenty of time for our big move in April. If any of you guys see anything you'd like to have, drop me a line (here, email, phone, whatever) and make an offer, if it's a reasonable offer she's willing to pull the auction and sell directly to anyone we know. And if you're local, we may even bring it over for you or work out a time for you to swing by and pick it up so that you don't have to pay shipping**. There's a lot of OWoD stuff as well as a lot of non-WW stuff. It's all in bundles by category, and some of the bundles are pretty swoon-worthy, especially the almost-complete Dark Ages set***.
Almost none of these books have ever been opened, Dei and I are both trying to break the habit of owning multiple copies to appease our anal-retentiveness over books.
We also have a tonne of OWoD LARP books that aren't up on ebay, if any of you want to round out a collection of those let me know and I'll see if we have what you want.
*and when I say a whole freakin' tonne, I mean a stack of gaming books almost as tall as me. It's kind of intimidating to realise that we have my height in gaming books, just in the duplicates. Without merging our collections. Thank god gamer chicks get a pass on their geekiness, if we were men I'd worry that neither of us would ever have sex again.
**and, more to the point, so we don't have as much stuff to take to the post office
***almost, because neither of us can bear to part with Dark Ages: Fae, and there's only one copy in the apartment, and you will get it when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. I mean... ::ahem:: It's still a sexy, sexy bundle.