shamelessly stolen from colorwhirl and dargie, because it looked hella fun

Nov 10, 2007 02:06

I give you money and send you into the grocery store to pick up 5 items. You can only pick one thing from the following departments.. what is it?

1. Produce: right now, an eggplant. They're out of season and I haven't been able to find a decent one in months. But typically, really fresh tomatoes.
2. Bakery: I make my own bread and can pretty easily add stuff to it, so I would pick up something sweet and fussy that I didn't feel like making myself.
3. Meat/Deli: mmmmm, havarti. Makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches.
4. Frozen: Hagen-Daaz coffee flavoured ice cream
5. Dry goods: cereal. I am a cereal addict. I'm in a pretty hardcore rice krispies phase right now.

Let's say we're heading out for a weekend getaway. You're only allowed to bring 3 articles of clothing with you. So, what's in your bag?

1. a pair of scrubs
2. a shirt
3. a cute dress

If I was to listen in on one of your conversations throughout the day, what 5 phrases or words would I be most likely to hear?

1. a line from Hi-Fidelity
2. a line from The Big Lebowski
3. a line from Reality Bites
4. a line from a Mountain Goats song
5. a line from a Chuck Palahniuk novel

what, you want real answers? ::sigh:: fine, if you insist
1- right then
2- my head hurts
3- your mom
4- for yooooooou!
5- smoking now!

So, what 3 things do you find yourself doing every single day, and if you didn't get to do, you probably wouldn't be in the best mood?

1. listening to music
2. reading
3. talking to Pam

You're driving down the road, and suddenly you're hit with this sense of road rage. What 3 factors probably contributed to it?

1. Nuclear Armageddon/Zombiepocalypse (elaborating on a theme of colorwhirl's)
2. someone cutting me off or tailgating me
3. rush hour with no good music

Sweet, you just scored a whole afternoon to yourself. We're talking a 3 hour block with nobody around. (You mean "every single day of my life.") What 5 activities might we find you doing?

1. knitting
2. sleeping
3. reading
4. writing
5. working on homework

We're going to the zoo. But, it looks like it could start storming, so it'll have to be a quick visit. What 3 exhibits do we have to get to?

1. penguins!
2. monkeys!
3. can we see the penguins again?

You just scored tickets to the taping of any show that comes on t.v. of your choice. You can pick between 4, so what are you deciding between?

1. Doctor Who
2. House
3. Dog, the Bounty Hunter (don't judge me)
4. Battlestar Galactica

You're hungry for ice cream. I'll give you a triple dipper ice cream cone. What 3 flavors can I pile on for ya?

1. coffee
2. cookies and cream
3. mint choclate chip

Somebody stole your purse/wallet…in order to get it back, you have to name 5 things you know are inside to claim it. So, what's in there?

1. my beat up little nokia. it's pretty unmistakable once it rings.
2. my estring pen engraved with "The Princess Wrennifer"
3. a book. which book changes from week to week.
4. half a sock on the needles
5. my maxalt, which is kept in a little blue case with stickers all over it. hee! stickers!... dear god, I really am the world's biggest six year old

You are at a job fair, and asked what areas you are interested in pursuing a career in. Let's pretend you have every talent and ability to be whatever you wanted, so what 4 careers would be fun for you?

1. Americn Lit teacher
2. actress
3. museum curator
4. author

If you could go back and talk to the old you, when you were in high school, and inform yourself of 4 things, what would you say?

1. eat a sandwich, dumbass.
2. I know it allows you to pose out amazingly, but one day you will maybe want not to smoke so much
3. take better care of yourself. get on anticonvulsants sooner. science is not as close to engineering replacement brains any time soon.
4. don't be so quick to let peopel dissuade you. you have real talents. embrace the ones that don't make you crazy and accept that some you will have to let go of for your own good. there can be grace in turning away.

And I think it's time for me to stop battening down the hatches. I've been in full fight or flight for far too long, and it's wearing me down. I'm not reacting to anything in my environment, so the only thing left to change is how I'm responding to the world.

meme ho

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