Panther Moon, 5 LE Honey Scents, 8 New GCs, and BPTP's Pyramus & Thisbe Decant Circle

Apr 27, 2010 06:09

My Decanting Policies

- I usually order within a few hours of an update going live, in short, as quickly as I possibly can, so add-ons to the initial order are not possible unless you've warned me in advance or catch me quickly!
- I post updates regularly (when I get shipment notification, when I start decanting, and I note when each person's order has been shipped), so if you want to know how things are progressing, check this page to find out. I fill & ship orders in the order I received payment for them.
- I decant quickly and expect a 1-3 day turn around time once I receive the bottles, barring unforeseen events. I prepare as much possible in advance so I'm ready to go, because prioritise SPEED.
- Empty bottles are first-come, first-served, with no limit per person. I do my best to give people empties (with the oil in the bottle if they are getting decant(s)), but I cannot guarantee them.
- I try to include extras - usually tea, candy, and *always* a little pot of my own handmade all natural BPAL-scented body cream, scented uniquely for each circle. I also often frimp with perfume, too.
- I fill my decants as full as possible without spilling or leakage in warm areas/seasons, to above the stopper, and check each imp for leaks before shipping.
- I make flat-style labels taped on with clear packing tape, printed with the scent's name, notes, the date and my name as decanter.
- The imps vials a 1/5 dram, have an applicator wand and a cap without a pen clip.
- I use PilotVials decanting supplies and wrap very securely with bubble wrap & use bubble-padded mailers.
- I may use new or old mailers, as I do like to recycle - if you have a preference please state it.
- You don't need to let me know when you received your parcel, but it's always appreciated.
- DO let me know if you think your parcel has been lost or there are any problems with your decants; in case of decants gone wrong due to my error, lost mail, leaking or breakage I will replace or refund you order.
- Please pay within 24 hours, or, if you'd like to make non-pp or delayed payment (which I'm nearly always fine with!), let me know within that timeframe, otherwise I will give up your spot to anyone waiting.
- Since I'm pretty new to decanting, I deeply appreciate feedback on my decant circles, both informally via comments or email and on LJ as well as on
-Likewise, if you tell me where you'd like feedback I'd love to do so for any of you.

Circle Details

Shipping is $3 & includes DC within the US, and is $3.50 shipped to Europe. In cases of bottle add-ons or large orders, I may ask for a little extra for shipping, but that rarely occurs. You can also combine shipping with decants from my Egg Moon & Black Helicopter Decant Circle, my Sakura-con Decant Circle, and my C2E2/Chicago Exclusives Decant Circle, my Neverwhere, Irredeemable, & Witchblade Decant Circle, and purchases from my sales page. However, it is unlikely that anything but the NW/IR/WB decants and Bat's Day decants will be ready to ship around the time that this circle is, with all the other circles shipping weeks earlier.

I'll calculate pp fees and add them on when giving your your total (unless you wish to pay by
personal payment, know how, and tell me in your comment); however, I am open to other payment options beyond paypal, including swapping perfume and other things. If you do pay via pp, please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD put your username & "Panther Moon DC" (and "Shipping - username"" if you're an American doing 2 payments to reduce pp fees) in the subject line of your pp payment, and your email address in the comment body so that I can keep track of things!

This is a subscription-only circle that provides complete sets of full decants; I order one bottle of each scent. The BPAL order was placed at 5:16 am EST on 4/27 and the BPTP order is pending on the shirt design (so BPTP add-ons *ARE* possible right now) was placed at 8:25 AM EST on 4/27. I can pick up bottles at WCWC as applicable, though, for older LEs and GCs.


The New LEs - Panther Moon, Durian Fruit Infused Honey, Dolls Eye Infused Honey, Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey, Yew Berry Infused Honey, & Padum Killer Swarm: $3.75 each x 6 = $22.50 for all six scents
The New GCs - Deadly Nightshade Honey, Hemlock Honey, Oleander Honey, Yellow Jessamine Honey, Paramatman, Ehecatl, The Forest Reverie, & L'Examen de Minuit: $3.25 each x 8 = $26 for all eight scents
The New BPTPs - Pyramus & Thysbe (note: these are priced higher due to the shipping cost being spread across so little): $4 each x 2 = $8
--> complete set of full decants of all 16 scents = $56.50 before shipping & pp fees
--> shipped in the US, including fees, the total you should paypal is $61.59
--> shipped to Canda, including fees, the total you should paypal is $62.23
--> shipped to the UK, including fees, the total you should paypal is $62.64

~OR, TO REDUCE PP FEES ~ (note: if you are paying from a credit card, and not from a paypal balance or direct bank transfer, you will still be charged fees to send funds as 'gift' & thus should use the above totals and send as 'goods')

Americans must send two payments (as I need one sent as 'goods' to print your label w/DC): send $3.40 as 'goods', subject: "Shipping - username" and send $56.25 as 'gift', subject: "Panther Moon DC - username" under personal payments. This would save you $1.68 in pp fees. If you aren't absolutely sure about how to do this, ask me. Or if you can't be fussed or prefer to pay all as 'goods', just send the one amount as outlined above.

Canadians can simply send one payment of $59.50 as 'gift', subject: "Panther Moon DC - username" and pp will charge *you* the currency conversion fee but me nothing. I don't know how much this would save you, since I can't find a gift currency conversion fee calculator, but I do believe it would save you something.

If you are from the UK simply send one payment of $60.00 as 'gift', subject: "Panther Moon DC - username" and pp will charge *you* the currency conversion fee but me nothing. I don't know how much this would save you, since I can't find a gift currency conversion fee calculator, but I do believe it would save you something.

Please send payment to paleskinnednymph AT yahoo DOT com - thanks!


Panther Moon
Gleaming black musk, mandrake, labdanum, black ginger, benzoin, champaca, ambergris accord, myrrh, and star anise.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Durian Fruit Infused Honey With Brandy

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Dolls Eye Infused Honey

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Yew Berry Infused Honey

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Padum Killer Swarm

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60


Deadly Nightshade Honey

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Hemlock Honey

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Oleander Honey

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Yellow Jessamine Honey

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Orange blossom, East Indian sandalwood, and champaca.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Hibiscus, matcha, white musk, and lime.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

The Forest Reverie
A sunlit ancient forest, dotted with wild roses, grape vine, and queenly lilies, clothed in swirls of opium smoke.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

L'Examen de Minuit
The rapture of sorrowful things: frankincense, black plum, melancholy lilac, rose otto, and myrrh.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60


Dragon's blood resin, frankincense, amber, white tea, lavender, and golden musk.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

Diaphanous sandalwood, pink rose, lotus root, lemon orpur, and iris stained by mulberry juice.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. ctfrancesca
3. crebbsgirl
4. geophilia
5. the_witching_hour
6. moonjelly60

+ tester set of z_z

cheshirecat1959 + Tobacco Absolute decant
geophilia + Shirafuji, The Wrestler, Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument, & Committee of 300 partial bottles (paid)
moonjelly60 +Lust v7 all paid up (Lust v7 needs to be SENT)

UPDATE 05/17 On Saturday the 15th, I received the BPTP portion of this circle, and today, on Monday the 17th, I received the BPAL portion, so I can get to a-decanting relatively soon!

UPDATE 05/30 Decanting in progress. I'm trying to get these all out on Tuesday, June 1st.

bpal, decant circle

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