Sakura-con Decant Circle

Apr 03, 2010 23:33

My Decanting Policies

- I usually order within a few hours of an update going live, in short, as quickly as I possibly can, so add-ons to the initial order are not possible unless you've warned me in advance or catch me quickly! But, I may be willing to place a second follow up order if there's enough demand, so it's worth asking.
- I post updates regularly (when I get shipment notification, when I start decanting, and I note when each person's order has been shipped), so if you want to know how things are progressing, check this page to find out. I fill & ship orders in the order I received payment for them.
- I decant quickly and expect a 1-3 day turn around time once I receive the bottles, barring unforeseen events. I prepare as much possible in advance so I'm ready to go, because prioritise SPEED.
- There are no minimums or maximums with most of my circles - you can get as few or as many imps as you like, provided there's still space.
- Empty bottles are first-come, first-served, with no limit per person. I do my best to give people empties (with the oil in the bottle if they are getting decant(s)), but I cannot guarantee them. The one exception: those who get a full set of all scents have priority for empties.
- I try to include extras - usually tea, candy, and *always* a little pot of my own handmade all natural BPAL-scented body cream, scented each circle with a different scent. I also often frimp with perfume, too.
- I fill my decants as full as possible without spilling or leakage in warm areas/seasons, to above the stopper, and check each imp for leaks before shipping.
- I make flat-style labels taped on with clear packing tape, printed with the scent's name, notes, the date and my name as decanter.
- The imps vials a 1/5 dram, have an applicator wand and a cap without a pen clip.
- I use PilotVials decanting supplies and wrap very securely with bubble wrap & use bubble-padded mailers.
- I may use new or old mailers, as I do like to recycle - if you have a preference please state it.
- You don't need to let me know when you received your parcel, but it's always appreciated.
- DO let me know if you think your parcel has been lost or there are any problems with your decants; in case of decants gone wrong due to my error, lost mail, leaking or breakage I will replace or refund you order.
- Please pay within 24 hours, or, if you'd like to make non-pp or delayed payment (which I'm nearly always fine with!), let me know within that timeframe, otherwise I will give up your spot to anyone waiting.
- Since I'm pretty new to decanting, I deeply appreciate feedback on my decant circles, both informally via comments or email and on LJ as well as on
-Likewise, if you tell me where you'd like feedback I'd love to do so for any of you.

Circle Details

Shipping is $3 & includes DC within the US, and the same price to Canada. $3.50 shipped to Europe, and $4.00 shipped to Australia/Asia. In cases of bottle add-ons or large orders, I may ask for a little extra for shipping, but that rarely occurs. You can also combine shipping with decants from my Egg Moon & Black Helicopter Decant Circle, my upcoming C2E2 decant circle in two weeks, or purchases from my sales page. As I will also be decanting the C2E2 exclusives in two weeks, please let me know if you want to hold your decants from this circle to combine with those and save on shipping.

I'll calculate pp fees and add them on when giving your your total; however, I am open to other payment options beyond paypal, including swapping. If you do pay via pp, please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD put your username & 'Sakura DC" in the subject line of your pp payment, and your email address & what decant(s) you want in the body so that I can keep track of things!
t decant(s) you want in the body so that I can keep track of things!

There ARE limits with this circle; you may get up to a full decant of each scent only. Please send payment to paleskinnednymph AT yahoo DOT com. These bottles will ship to me priority on Monday so I expect them to arrive Wed/Thur and hopefully have them ready to ship out again by the following Monday (inclusive)!

Prices: $4 per full decant, $2.50 per half decant of the perfumes; I don't have spray confirmation or sizing info yet so I'm only collecting interest now. Empties - I don't have any interest in these labels, so they're all for decantees - but also all claimed.

Giant Squid
Cannabis blossom, tonka bean, tobacco, frankincense, galangal, juniper berry, lantana, spiky aloe, green and white teas, and salty sea spray.

1. katu
2. katu
3. wind_4
4. geophilia
5. miss_isis_uk (will pay with C2E2 & combine shipping of that plus -1 decant Enyalios partial as our swap)
6. farmernancy
7. farmernancy
8. strahlend31
9. strahlend31
10. the_witching_hour
11. the_witching_hour
12. crebbsgirl

1. edenssixthscent + empty
2. edenssixthscent
3. cheshirecat1959
4. acciochocolate
5. acciochocolate
6. channelthree + empty (priority over eden; combine with Quick Grope from sales, extra full Squid decant if available)
7. channelthree
8. musichappens + empty
9. musichappens
10. 10dimensions
11. 10dimensions
12. rkold

1. moonjelly60
2. moonjelly60
3. nightchylde0
4. nightchylde0
5. heeroluva
6. heeroluva
7. writes
8. writes
9. arcticghost
10. arcticghost
11. azuraephoenix
12. azuraephoenix

Fuwu Bansaku in Ruined Temple With Black Monster on Umbrella
Black coconut, red sandalwood, black currant, tonka bean, vetiver, and Malasian oude.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. cheshirecat1959
3. wind_4
4. geophilia
5. miss_isis_uk
6. chelsearoad
7. chelsearoad
8. strahlend31
9. strahlend31
10. edenssixthscent + empty
11. edenssixthscent
12. rkold

1. wriorprincess87
2. wriorprincess87
3. acciochocolate
4. acciochocolate
5. 10dimensions
6. 10dimensions
7. musichappens + empty
8. musichappens
9. writes
10. writes
11. moonjelly60
12. moonjelly60

1. arcticghost
2. arcticghost
3. azuraephoenix
4. azuraephoenix
5. crebbsgirl
6. farmernancy
7. farmernancy
8. katu
9. katu

Shirafuji Genta With a Kappa
Lansium domesticum, sweetgrass, benzoin, white mint, lavender, juniper berry, cedarwood, osmanthus, and rice wine.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. crebbsgirl
3. wind_4
4. geophilia
5. miss_isis_uk
6. farmernancy
7. farmernancy
10. the_witching_hour
11. the_witching_hour
12. edenssixthscent

1. edenssixthscent + empty
2. wriorprincess87
3. wriorprincess87
4. acciochocolate
5. acciochocolate
6. musichappens + empty
7. musichappens
8. rkold
9. 10dimensions
10. 10dimensions
11. moonjelly60
12. moonjelly60

1. nrl1978 + empty
2. nrl1978
3. nightchylde0
4. nightchylde0
5. heeroluva
6. heeroluva
7. writes
8. writes
9. arcticghost
10. arcticghost
11. azuraephoenix
12. azuraephoenix

The Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster FULL
Peru balsam, Mysore sandalwood, bodark bark, tupelo gum, black pepper, tobacco absolute, and white honey.

1. cheshirecat1959
2. crebbsgirl
3. wind_4
4. geophilia
5. miss_isis_uk
6. chelsearoad
7. chelsearoad
8. farmernancy
9. farmernancy
10. the_witching_hour
11. the_witching_hour
12. edenssixthscent

1. edenssixthscent + empty
2. wriorprincess87
3. wriorprincess87
4. acciochocolate
5. acciochocolate
6. channelthree
7. channelthree
8. musichappens + empty
9. musichappens
10. 10dimensions
11. 10dimensions
12. rkold

1. moonjelly60
2. moonjelly60
3. nrl1978
4. nrl1978
5. nightchylde0
6. nightchylde0
7. heeroluva + empty
8. heeroluva
9. writes
10. writes
11. arcticghost
12. arcticghost

+ sniffie set for z_z as always

Sakura FULL
Cherry blossom, wild iris, wisteria, and hibiscus.
2 sizes are available: 2ml ($1.50) in glass or plastic (specify your preference) atomisers, or 10ml ($5) in plastic atomisers - I think I will offer 9 slots of 10ml and 5 slots of 2ml, and keep the empty bottle for myself in hopes of swapping it for an empty on my WL.

miss_isis_uk - 10ml
out_of_focus - 10ml
mumblemutter - 10ml
lady_venn - 10ml
alouette_sparra - 10ml
agameofthree - 10ml
musichappens -10ml
nrl1978 - 10ml
writes - 10ml
habiliments - 2ml
acciochocolate - 2ml (plastic)
edenssixthscent - 2ml (either)
scenteddream - 2ml (plastic)
ladyseraphine - 2ml ? not paid
wriorprincess87 - 2ml (glass)
moonjelly60 - 2ml (glass)
chelsearoad - 2ml
crebbsgirl - 2ml (plastic)
ethaisa - 2ml (glass)

Waiting List (note: I will prioritise waiting list people who get Fuwu since that bottle is not filling.)
grnwoodtree - full of Squid & Fuwu
dreamingjune - full of Fuwu & Wrestler

wind_4 (except pp failed to send me email, boo! paid 04/04 1 am-ish) - SHIPPED
10dimensions - ship ASAP & Leo 2004 loaner - SHIPPED
nightchylde0 - SHIPPED
arcticghost - SHIPPED
azuraephoenix - SHIPPED
heeroluva + half decant of Ekhidna & partial 5ml of Snap-Dragon-Fly - SHIPPED
*channelthree + Quick Grope tester - combine with C2E2
geophilia - combine with Egg Moon - SHIPPED
crebbsgirl - combine with Egg Moon - SHIPPED
*ifinena (Fuwu bottle) - ship ASAP
cheshirecat1959 - ship ASAP - SHIPPED
edenssixthscent - ship ASAP + IRO tester - SHIPPED
wriorprincess87 - SHIPPED
agameofthree - ship ASAP - SHIPPED
*chelsearoad - combine with C2E2
nrl1978 - ship ASAP - SHIPPED
moonjelly60 - combine with C2E2 - SHIPPED
*acciochocolate - combine with C2E2, insurance
*lady_venn - combine with C2E2, free shipping
*scenteddream - combine with C2E2 & lots of other stuff
ethaisa - 2 bottles + 2ml Sakura - SHIP ASAP - SHIPPED
out_of_focus - SHIP ASAP - SHIPPED
farmernancy - SHIPPED
writes - SHIPPED
*strahlend31- combine with C2E2
katu - combine with Egg Moon stuff - SHIPPED
mumblemutter - SHIPPED

UPDATE - 04/08: This evening, the bottles all arrived safely, decanting to start shortly!

UPDATE - 04/15: Much of the grunt work (labels, spray decants) is done, but decanting is proceeding slowly because of all the administration occurring for C2E2 - that's about 200 emails a day, btw. I also was completely unable to make the 2ml glass atomizers snap together without breaking them/spilling oil - a fun experience when I hate wisteria above all! So ALL atomizers regardless of size are plastic, but the 2ml plastic happen to be significantly larger in size than the glass ones despite both supposedly being 2ml and from the same supplier - at least you will be getting more spray. :)

UDATE - 05/04: I was too ill to decant or drive 90% of the time (inadequate motor control that would only allow me to function fully for brief moments) until about a week ago, and I was in CA for 5 days sans laptop or any luggage (they wouldn't let me check my bag), and just got back on Sunday the 2nd.

I am EXTREMELY sorry for the unacceptable delay on my end, as the health problem (which appeared rather suddenly, worsened rapidly, then seems magically cured by a new med I got on before I left for CA) crippled me just after I started doing all these circles. And I apologise for not keeping people up-to-date with what was going on (though I did post in S&S, I believe, with some form of update) - I have 5 circles I'm running at the moment and I went to both CA and c2e2 so it's all been a big mess.

These HAVE been decanted, and just need packaging up. Americans should receive a DC # from paypal when I print your label within the next few days. Again, my deepest apologies to all of you and I hope you will consider dealing with me in the future. I am usually a very fast swapper, decanter and seller as my feedback shows and the past two months have been unlike anything I've had to deal with before.

UPDATE 5/24: Every parcel except for those that are to be combined with the C2E2 decants I'm working on now have been shipped, and those few people have stars to the left of their names (under the PAID section) to indicate that. Otherwise, you should have already or will soon receive these decants. Thanks to everyone who has been so patient and supportive throughout this!

bpal, decant circle

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