(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 12:59

Who: Leslie Sinclair Dickering [Rip Van Winkle] and Chloe Finn Martel [Duban the Sage]
When: BACKDATED to the March 3. [After this.]
Where: Les' apartment.
What: Chloes stops by to kick ass, bestow chocolate eggs, and presumably make up.
Rating: PG-13 for language, and allusions to future naughtiness.

Chloe: Chloe was hyper, she had eaten one of every flavor of Russell Stover's Creme Eggs that Walgreen's had sold. And so with raspberry-chocolate truffle-strawberry-peanut butter-coconut cream-vanilla marshmallow-maple sugar pumping through her veins, the blonde found herself more rambunctious than usual Chloe was also pissed off, although not without reason; but her sugar filled rage in no way at the fault of Leslie Sinclair Dickering. Unfortunately, as much as she would have loved to have lashed out at her landlord and the steaming pile of shitty surprises she kept finding herself stepping into, that couldn't feasibly happen. Of course when her favorite clerk felt the need to get cute, against her own good will that irritability came out directed at him as it always seemed to do. Granted, she considered the Dickering heir a saint for putting up with her shit, and that was indeed why she dealt with his in turn. With a quick change of clothes from the pajamas she had been wearing, she tossed on her coat and with a bag full of chocolate creme eggs and her newest toy she headed out of her apartment towards Midtown where she knew he was bound to be. Either fuming, or sitting on his ass playing video games.

Regardless of whichever it was she was more than determined to pleasantly interrupt with a knock to his door followed by a distinctive clucking of the Cadbury bunny.

Leslie: Chloe Martel did NOTHING but piss Les off... It was a saving grace of her's that she was so damn cute and sometimes even strayed over to the good side of the Force. Les was, at the exact moment she knocked on his door, playing Mario Party 3, eating Cheetos and fuming the hell away about his boss. Shoving a fistful of Cheetos into his mouth, Les paused the game, stood up, and strode over to his front door, peering out of the peephole and catching the muffled mechanical clucking of Chloe's new bunny. Stepping back with a half grumbled 'fuck fucking fuckers', spewing bits of partially-chewed Cheeto in the process, Les swung the door open and glared at her, puffy-cheeked and angrily chewing away.

Chloe: Chloe's original plan had been to abusively ravage the poor man, of course when the door opened to show an orange smeared scowl her initial ambitions melted away into a fit of laughter. Keeling over just slightly, her nose neared her knees as she chuckled tears streaming down her face. After a moment Chloe finally made her way inside, trying to speak through heavy gasps for air and giggles. "Oh..s- s- sorry. J-just.. that was not what I was envisioning the entire cab ride here." Fingerd uprighting her bag back onto her shoulder.

Leslie: An eyebrow arching up to his messy hairline, Les crossed his arms over the chest of his Ramones T-shirt for a few beats before jerking them down at his sides. Chewing and swallowing, he regarded the boss at his door curiously as she continued to laugh, tears falling to the floor of the hallway in huge splattering drops. Watching as she edged past him into his Man Cave, Les waited until she could rightly explain herself before replying. "Sorry Boss Lady, but my leopard-print speedo is at the dry cleaners..." He shut the door then, moving across the room to the messy kitchen beyond. "You want a soda?"

Chloe: At the mention of the non existent speedo, Chloe felt herself chuckling all the more. Catching her breath with a deep breath of finality before she came ti right herself against the couch, watching him enter the kitchen. "Oh geez, no thank you. I've had enough sugar to make a rhinoceros tap dance. I've brought you provisions.." And with that her bag was emptied to a heaping pile of brightly colored, shiny wrapped Easter chocolates. "You know, you always ruin the 'ass kicking' moments." It came with a small pout, though as she replayed the scenario in her mind she realized it never would have panned out the way it had been constructed in her fantasies. They were both far to ridiculous...or less than ridiculous for it.

Leslie: "Suit yourself, Boss Lady.." Les replied as he swung the kitchen door open with a gusto, leaned in and snatched a liter of Mountain Dew off one of the shelves. Picking one of his Burger King plastic cups up from the draining board near the practically unused sink, he filled the cup and replaced the Mountain Dew back in the fridge, ambling back over to her. "Provisions?" He asked, perking up from his recent sour mood. What he saw next almost made him cry... Tons of brightly wrapped Easter candies tumbling out onto the small scratched surface of his coffee table. Sniffling with what could only be classified as sniffles of joy, Les stared at the candies a moment more and calmly tucked an arm around Chloe's waist. "You're forgiven!"

Chloe: "I always try to." Chloe smiled in return as she watched him fill his own cup with that acrid swill he guzzled by the gallon. She had tried it once at his behest and had found herself feeling ill from the horrid taste. Granted the response to the candy was more than enough to make her laugh, settling in against Leslie's side as he pulled her close to him. From the array of sweets, it was quite apparent what a nasty sort of mood that she had been in earlier. And the fact that she was forgiven, though for what precisely she never knew, made her calm all the more. "I ate seven of them, I think I might die."

Leslie: Anyone who was anyone knew that while the Easter candy was a swell a treat as any, the real treat was when Chloe settled against his side, causing him to puff his chest out a fraction. "Seven?" He looked down at her, face twisting. "Just seven?" Smiling down at her, Les turned back to the candies, taking a drink from his cup of Mountain Dew. "So I can't expect another smile anytime soon without the help of SUGAR?"

Chloe: "There's a billion grams of sugar and fat in each one! I'm going to blow up and die." It was said in that typical matter of fact tone, as if she was stating the answer to a basic algorithm. "Or turn into a marshmallow." Turning to face Leslie, who she always seemed to forget was almost a foot taller than her, she prodded his stomach at the mention of her smile. "Are you saying I'm not smiley all the time? Hmm?" And she scootched in front of him to set him with a challenging stare, green eyes peering up through her glasses with that trademarked raised eyebrow. "I think I'm a regular ray of sunshine."

Leslie: Les' nose crinkled as she rattled off the ingredients of the Easter candy. Honestly, what was with women and weight?! And more importantly, why was Chloe obviously infatuated with a few pounds or even lack there of? Shit. He would never understand anything of the female nature except what he was paid to know ala porn shop. Oofing at the prod, Les bowed out and away from the offending finger, making a disgruntled noise. "Yeah, actually. You're always talking about how you hate that things are changing, how you 'gained weight'." Cue 'quotation fingers', which was hard to do considering the cup of Dew in his hand. Retucking his unoccupied arm around her waist, he stared her down in all her green-eyed spectacleness. "You forget to look at the things that ARE in your life already, good shit. Not just bad."

Chloe: For once in her epic eating endeavors, her worry was not with gaining weight, but with the horrific heavy sensation of a pound of chocolate and corn syrup resting in her stomach. Though that would not be disputed at the moment, not when there was the fact that he'd made a very obvious crack in her armor.

At his surprisingly wise words, Chloe's eyes widened significantly. It never ceased to amaze her when he popped out some philosophical golden nugget of sense, and whenever the big boss lady found herself stopped in her tracks without witty comeback. He had a point of course, and for a moment she resisted breaking his gaze and backing down as she struggled to think of a proper response. To be honest, Chloe had never dealt well with the whole midlife crisis thing, or quarter life crisis for that much. The thought of aging absolutely terrified her, and the fact that she still didn't know precisely what it was she wanted to do(especially when she had made that promise nearly twenty three years ago to make her life worth the price it came with), that she had so many passions lined up in a row with nowhere to go; for these were no longer the days of philosophers and sages, made her fidgety.

"I look at the good things in my life!" The blonde found herself protesting. "I have an awesome niece, the best clerk a woman could ask for, apparently I'm immortal, I own a pleasant little plot of land in the Ethiopian mountain ranges, and there's Deja and Conrad, and a Cadbury bunny." See?

Leslie: The best clerk a woman could ask for. Almost made the man-child intoxicatingly giddy to think that he was deemed the best clerk a woman could ask for (because it obviously WASN'T Beth.) Face sliding into a goofy lopsided grin, Les' eyebrows rose suggestively as he snuck a look over at the Cadbury bunny resting on the table near the sweets before turning back to the woman so pleasantly close. "He is pretty cute." The Lazy One admitted, stooping a bit to sneak a kiss from his boss before unhooking his arm from around her waist and focusing on the Easter sweets. "You've had seven candies.. I've got a lot of catching up to do."

Chloe: Fingers reached up to pinch his cheek a bit when she watched that grin grow. Of course she wouldn't let his ego grow for that long, and following the all to quick kiss, Chloe found herself chuckling as she pulled away. "He is cute, not as cute as Beth who really is the best clerk a woman could ask for, but close." And then as he mentioned the candy, she settled herself onto his couch, crossing leg over the other while she lounged back, an eye on him and her fingers drifting to her chin as if to stroke a non existent beard. "I really ought to put her in for a raise."

Leslie: "You," he began, sitting down next to her and grabbing a handful of candies. "Are full of shit." A gentle nudge of his shoulder against hers and Les began unwrapping the candy pieces, popping a few into his mouth in the process. Chewing thoughtfully, he spoke up after a few moments. "You can pick chocolate.. I'll give you that." Unwrapping another piece, he settled it in front of her mouth. "Here, make it eight."

Chloe: "Maybe," Chloe replied with a laugh, her jaw dropping just a bit to watch him shoving the huge hunks of chocolate and marshmallow in his mouth. How were they all fitting!? And more importantly, why wasn't he choking? After he surfaced from his initial dive bomb into the pile, her smile grew a bit. "Of course I can, we've established I have a diet that'd put Paula Deen to shame." She moved back at first as he pushed a piece towards her, from which she took a single bite in surrender. "Thank you." A hand raised to signal she was done.

Leslie: When it came to chocolate, Les held firm to the belief that the bigger the better. Having downed two of the suckers and swallowed, he had thus proceeded to present an egg to Chloe, waving it dangerously close to her mouth in what he hoped was an enticing fashion. Smiling like a happy child as she took a small nibble, the smile dropped when she raised her hand in the egg's direction. "What? You've hurt it's feelings." And with that, he brought the egg forward against her face, smushing it a bit in the process and leaving a good sized chocolate smear. "Apologize," he stated, voice cracking with impending laughter.

Chloe: "Chocolate doesn't have feelings, you eat it." Was her first response, arms crossing over chest in defiance, an eyebrow raising to dare him to persist with the stupid egg. She'd be damned if she could stomach another one after the massacre that had occurred at her house. Of course when the chocolate smeared just slightly on her face, she held herself back. Though a bit of indignance peeked through. "I will definitely NOT apologize to the rude little thing now. Clean it off!"

Leslie: Hehe. "Clean it off?" Les smirked, adding another smear of chocolate slowly down the side of her face, before leaning in close. "Just don't make me wear the little French maid outfit, okay?" Smirking, he leaned forward and inspected the smear, lifting the egg and running a chocolate smear parallel to the other.

Chloe: She smiled wryly as he took to adding to the mess, a hand reaching out for the egg in that moment with a smile. Banking on the fact that his competitive side would win over intelligence. "Fine, I'll eat it...you win."

Leslie: What a Catch-22... While wanting her to eat an egg (because, let's face it, she's TOO thin), Les also wanted an epic Chocolate Battle '08, but he had to make some sacrifices... Couldn't have his cake and eat it too. Taking her offered hand in his unoccupied one, Les took the slightly melted egg and slapped it down into her palm.

Chloe: Smiling even brighter as the egg hit her palm, "Thank you, you kn-o-ow..." Chloe led her free hand to trail up Les' arm to his neck, curling seductively around that small bit of muscle that she was quite aware nearly always was used to signal "bedroom" to Leslie Sinclair Dickering. With his neck secured, however the blonde leaned in close as if to kiss him, only to shove the melted mass of chocolate and peanut butter that had been melting into her hand onto his face. Starting at his cheek and in a broad sticky sweep of her palm- marking across his nose and down to his mouth. "Take that!"

Leslie: If a Dickering purred in an empty forest, did he truly make a sound? Mouth working silently as she tucked an arm around his neck and leaned in. Well SCREW the chocolate! Expecting a kiss, Les' reaction as the egg created a chocolaty path, was to stare at her stupidly, mouth open a fraction coupled with a few large owlish blinks. Finally, after a few moments of staring, he spoke up. "You... You are SO DEAD." And in one motion, Les stood from the couch, picked up Chloe by her waist and slung her over a shoulder, an arm around her legs, the other free to give her jeaned bum a pat. "DEAD. D-E-D." Stooping, he grabbed a few of the large chocolate eggs and declared "DEAD." again, before heading off in the direction of his bedroom with both the eggs and poor Chloe.

Chloe: A scream of protest left her as she was swiped up from the couch some of the wind getting knocked from her lungs as she struggled, "PUT ME DOWN! You'll break your back!" Chloe wiggled against his shoulder, cursing Leslie Dickering for being so god damned tall and broad. And even more confusingly strong! When the hell did he ever work out when all he did was sit on his ass eating Cheetos and chugging Mountain Dew? It wasn't fair that he wasn't a fat lard, and yet she had to worry consistently about working off the calories she gained. "Stop-OOF!" Laughing all the while she screamed, Chloe tipped down to grab a chocolate laden handful herself, though a few fell to the floor in the trek to the bedroom. "You missed a letter!"

Leslie: "A!!! A FREAKING A!" Les shot back, a mixture of shouting and laughter as he gave her ass another swift pat with his fisted hand and stopping short of the bedroom door, he lifted a foot, kicking it in as the door swung back and crashed against the wall opposite. "D-E-A-D!" He crowed, tossing his laughing Boss Lady onto the bed and kicking the door shut after them with a loud slam.

Chloe: She hit the bed with thunderous creak, eyes gone wide and the poor eggs being dropped in the process as she made an attempt to brace herself for the impact. "Fucking FUCK Les! That hurt!" She was already pushing herself up, and taking her glasses off to fold them onto the side table out of the inevitable harm's way. Cursing herself for not thinking to wear contacts, she shot a fuzzy glare in his direction, moving to her knees to stake her battle stance. "Freaking poop face! You're gonna pay if I have a bruise!"

leslie dickering, chloe martel

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