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one_fry_short May 15 2008, 01:03:45 UTC

"Oh, shit, am I interrupting something?" he asked, suddenly realizing the time and the fact that his Caterpillar friend also happened to be a professional actor. "I don't want to keep you from something, but, uh..." He smiled, excited to tell him.

"I'm engaged. Cassie said 'yes'." He was surprised at himself for sounding as calm as he did.


off_the_hookah May 15 2008, 01:24:00 UTC
Neil was about to answer Harrison's first question, but was overtaken by the news. "Congratulations," he said, grinning from ear to ear. "That's wonderful. When did this happen, yesterday? We'll have to go out and celebrate."


one_fry_short May 15 2008, 02:15:19 UTC

Harrison grinned from ear to ear as well, and the smile could be heard in his voice. "Thank you, Neil," he said proudly. "Yeah, I asked her yesterday. I wrote her a song and played it to her on the uke at work. The last line- The last lyric was "will you marry me?". She was so happy. I wish you could've seen." He nodded a bit even though Neil couldn't see him. "That sounds great. Thanks so much for all your support. It really means a lot."

He giggled excitedly. "Her mum is going to flip out."


off_the_hookah May 15 2008, 02:30:06 UTC
"You'll have to sing it for me later. It sounds so you. Flip out in a good way, I hope?"

Not that he didn't want to continue speaking with his friend, but Neil checked his watch to make sure how much more time he had before he was expected to be back on set. He didn't mention anything to Harrison, because he didn't want it to seem he was blowing him off.


one_fry_short May 15 2008, 02:38:36 UTC

Harri continued to giggle impishly. "Okay! It went over quite well. A few of her coworkers were crying." He sounded so proud and happy.

"Oh, she'll flip out in a very good way," he stated. "Cassandra's mum really wants us to get married. She doesn't really keep it a secret, either." He laughed again. "She was practically picking out our babies' names at the first family dinner we had..."

He sat up and scratched his scruffy chin. "But listen, don't let me keep you from doing whatever you're doing. I just wanted to call and tell you the news. So... Yay!"


off_the_hookah May 15 2008, 02:50:26 UTC
Neil was happy for Harrison and Cassie, he really was, but he couldn't help but feel a little apprehension that the couple was moving too fast, and all the assurances Harrison had given him couldn't alleviate these concerns. In the long run, they were both adults and could make their own decisions, and besides, the pair seemed well matched and were good for one another. If Harrison had chosen to date and marry somebody like Ryoko, then Neil would've been much heavier with his objections, just as he had been with Gabe, in London.

"You'll have to go into detail later. I'll give you a ring, later on tonight, when I'm through here. That is, unless, you have plans with your fiancee?"


one_fry_short May 15 2008, 02:59:42 UTC

Giggling was a major sign of Harrison happiness. As was bouncing, which he was now doing on the couch. He knew that Neil had some concern about him, but he also knew that he had his support. And, most importantly, he knew that he and Cassie were meant for each other. Announcing their engagement probably would not be completely easy, since many members of the Tale community would rather ridicule than rejoice, but he was really too happy to care at this juncture.

"Sure! I'll look forward to it! Oh, we don't have plans today... Except, perhaps, for the usual, but we don't usually do that until bedtime..." He blushed. "Pretend I didn't say that."


off_the_hookah May 15 2008, 03:14:29 UTC
"Too late, you old dog," Neil teased back, knowing that Harrison would be blushing even more. "I'll talk to you later, alright? Do you have to work today?"


one_fry_short May 15 2008, 03:22:26 UTC

Neil was right; Harri was now as red as a tomato. "D'ohhh...Well, don't tell Cassie I said that. Okay, talk to you later. No, not today. I'll be going back tomorrow. Cassie has work, though. She'll be back later this afternoon, at about five."


off_the_hookah May 15 2008, 03:57:17 UTC
"I'll talk to you later, after five," Neil said, his eyes perking up when the camera man waving at him to return to the set caught his attention. "I've got to run, but take care, and don't hurt yourself while bouncing off the walls with excitement."


one_fry_short May 15 2008, 04:04:13 UTC

"Okay, excellent," Harri chirped brightly. "Have fun with your whatever you're doing!" He chuckled. "I'll do my best not to hurt myself. Take care."


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