title: he wants a kiss
fandom: harry potter
characters/pairings: remus/sirius
rating: G
summary: exactly what it says on the tin: sirius wants a kiss.
he wants a kiss.
He wants a kiss. Steal it. Just plain take it from where it’s waiting for him without realising it. He’s afraid to, though. He knows he’s never been much of a thief, even though his professors would tell everyone otherwise if they got the chance.
He wants a kiss, but not just any kiss. He wants Remus’s kiss, because those are soft and passionate and they make him blush and giggle, even if they’re a bit toothy. He wants Remus’s kiss, because no one else in this entire world can make him believe that kissing can be fun and right. Because his kisses are tiny little fireworks (gold and silver and yellow and turquoise - God, turquoise) that feel like velvet and taste like everything that’s good in the world and like everything that’s Remus (and mostly like kiwi, though, but that could just be his imagination meeting his wishful thinking on a bench in the park on a chilly spring day). Simplest of all, he wants Remus’s kisses because they’re real and because Remus kisses him like he means it.
He really wants that kiss, but he can’t just go over and take it. He wants to, though. Just walk over to Remus, drop over in his lap and taste the tea he’s been sipping on for the past hour and then get up again and walk away as if nothing happened.
He can’t, because Remus is studying and working for school and doing a thousand things at a time like Remus always is, but a thousand and one things, that’s too much for anyone to handle. It’s like a house of cards of A Thousand Things and his kiss would be the last card and the whole house would come falling down and Remus would be grumpy and covered in A Thousand Things.
And who knows what other things might happen? He tries not to show it, but he really is the panicky kind and everyone would expect that from Remus or Peter (who actually can be quite panicky sometimes) but not from him. He is good at covering it up, but deep down, he is nothing more than chaos. Messy clothes all over the floor of his brain and paintings hanging crookedly and wallpaper that’s coming off the walls and a ceiling that’s not at all waterproof. He has to try real hard not to trip over the shoes he kicked off in his panic, but every once in a while he doesn’t pay enough attention and falls, hard on the dusty, wooden floor. Like he does now, when he realises that if he takes Moony away from his work, much worse things could happen than handing in an essay too late.
If Moony forgets to do his essay, he reasons, McGonagall might just give him an A for Transfiguration and that will upset Remus so much that he won’t be able to apply himself to studying anymore (or at least, that’s what he would do, in such a case) and then he’d have do flunk out of Hogwarts and he’d never get a job. And then Remus’s family will have no support, because his dad will have undoubtedly had a heart attack once he hears what has happened and then Remus will be forced to join Voldemort because he has to protect his family. And everyone will be so distraught to see Remus as a Death Eater that they won’t be able to fight him off, should he attack (because, how could anyone believe Remus John Lupin is a dark wizard?) and then he and Voldemort will kill all the good Aurors and the rest of the world will be at Voldemort’s mercy and no one will be able to stop him, because everyone who can is dead. And Voldemort won’t stop until he’s murdered everyone who’s not a Pureblood, but in the end, who is these days? So he’ll have to kill everyone and no one will be left and then the world will end because he wants a kiss. No, no no no, he’ll just wait.
Remus sighs. He hates it when Remus does that, because his sighs are special. They’re tiny little smoke signals (and the smoke smells like lemon and is totally utterly invisible, he knows that) and they mean ‘kiss me’. But he can’t, because -
‘Sirius,’ Remus says with a smile, ‘if you want to kiss me, then bloody do so. It’s not the end of the world.’
And so Sirius does.