be kind, unwind, author's notes

Aug 11, 2010 13:58

complete list of characters: j2, danneel, sandy, genevieve, steve carlson, chris kane, tom welling, mike rosenbaum, chad michael murray, jim beaver, katie cassidy, jeffrey dean morgan and jensen's parents.

warnings: if you're looking for any form of danneel/sandy/genevieve-bashing, you will not find it here. nor will you find a realistic plot. cm² is around to be a bit of a douchebag, however, which may or may not be realistic.

pdf-version of the fic: with art * without art (be sure to check out amindaya's beautiful art, though.)

notes: most importantly, please go give amindaya the praise she deserves for her amazing artwork. this story wouldn't be half as good without it.

i'm astonished i actually made it this far, to be honest. i started writing this thing over a year ago, now, and i still find it hard to believe i finished this monstrosity. it's been a long time since i've written something i was actually pleased with, but i am with this. i'm proud of it and i had so much fun writing - even in the crazy stressful hours before the deadline. i hope you'll find reading it just as enjoyable.

this is my first time writing rpf, my first time participating in a big bang and the first time i've written an r-rated story. i hope i've done all three well. about the r-rating, i feel i've got to tell you: if you've come here expecting graphic sex, i have to disappoint you. i know the subject material is perfect for smutty scenes and i would've put them in there, but i'd hate scarring you for life. i simply am horrible at writing smut. maybe one day i'll be brave enough to put in a sex scene somewhere, but for now, i'll do the world a favour and leave most to the imagination.

thank you: first of all, many, many thanks to the wonderful mods over at spn_j2_bigbang, wendy and thehighwaywoman, who have made this all possible. they've been doing this for four years now and every time it's fantastically organised and things go down without a hitch. i applaud you, ladies.

secondly, amindaya, you have made this story double, even triple, in worth with your absolutely amazing art. every single thing you've shown me, from the rough drafts to the WIPs to the finished product, is so very beautiful and fits the story perfectly. thanks for listening and for putting in the incredible amount of effort you did. i could not even have dreamt of getting a better artist.

third, as always, major thanks goes to my trusty beta, tijsmans, who read through this entire thing even though he's not even a fan of rps, supernatural OR jared and jensen. i can't imagine the agony this must've been for you, tijs, but i wouldn't have wanted anyone else to do it. you're an awesome beta and an even awesomer friend. i promise i will make it up to you with many coffees and biscuits and things.

also, to my flist, littleone87 in particular, and my brilliant rl!friends, some of which are on lj as well. mariska (kikiriki23), marie (pretty_picard), hanne (fairlilith), maart (greensweaterlj), liesbeth, sofie, anneleen, miete, poes and as per usual, tijs (tijsmans), thank you for being supportive and listening to my moaning about this for the entire year i was working on it. thanks for not rolling your eyes and laughing - i know some people aren't as fortunate to have friends in real life they can share this with, so i am extremely grateful to you for letting me be 100% myself around you.

and last but not least, thank you, reader, or future reader. i hope i do not disappoint.


fandom: rpf, genre: humour, genre: romance, pairing: slash, rating: r, length: 50 000+, ship: jensen/jared, status: complete

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