STXI Kink Meme Ridiculareo Round-Up

Sep 12, 2009 19:33

It's that time again!

Character/Pairing: PW Kink Meme x STXI Kink Meme hateraction? Phoenix/Edgeworth if you squint.
Rating: PG-13


"Please stop pacing, Wright," said Edgeworth wearily, cupping his third mug of tea in both hands. "You're giving me motion sickness."

"I can't help it!" Phoenix paused briefly to throw his hands in the air. "They're two parts away from matching us in numbers and gaining fast!"

"They are a much older fandom than we are, Mr. Wright," said Apollo from the desk.

"Oh, bullshi -- um, baloney," said Phoenix, with a guilty look at Pearl and Trucy. "You know it's all from the new movie."

"Well, but maybe the new movie also rejuvenated the older fans?"

"Ach, it matters not," said Klavier with a dismissive wave. He was leaning on the desk next to Apollo. "We will emerge triumphant due to the simple fact that we have a sexy young man with a very fett accent, ja? And great hair. So do not worry."

"They have that too, Klavier," Phoenix told him darkly. "And he's even younger than you are."

Klavier looked shocked.

"But we have girls, Mr. Nick!" said Pearl. "They only have one or two! And you can't have love stories without girls!"

All the men glanced at each other uncomfortably. Ema, of course, was clueless.

"Not necessarily, Pearl," she said thoughtfully, tapping her glasses. "From my scientific observation of this 'meme,' more female characters might actually be a deterrent to fans."

"Why?" said Pearl innocently.

"Yeah, Daddy, why?" said Trucy, pulling at Phoenix's sleeve.

"Never mind that," said Edgeworth loudly. His face was a little red. "Wright, why don't we go over that list of the advantages we do have, so we know what to fuc- focus on."

"Oh, uh, right," stammered Phoenix, fumbling with a yellow legal pad. "Let's see, here. Okay. Detailed backstories, large ensemble cast, canonical hijinks and high drama, overarching theme of idealism and humanitarianism, outrageous homosexual subtext --"

"Wright!" said Edgeworth sharply.


"Um, I'm pretty sure they have all that, too, Mr. Wright," said Apollo glumly. "In fact, I think they invented it."

"Stick with the specifics, Wright."

"Fine." Phoenix scanned down the list, and turned a few pages. "Okay. We have an abusive foster parent." He nodded at Edgeworth.

"Kirk had that," Apollo pointed out.

Phoenix sighed and crossed out a line. "We have Mia's boobs."

"I think that Borg girl in Voyager had nice boobs," said Maya thoughtfully.

"Childhood flashback?"

"They started the movie with that, Wright."

"We have Franziska," said Phoenix, sounding aggravated.

There was a pause. Everyone turned to Prosecutor Von Karma the younger, who scowled and cracked her whip.

"Fair enough," Edgeworth told Phoenix among the murmurs of approval.

"Um, let's see... suits, ascots, business shirts rolled up to the elbow, pinstripe vests... basically everything about Godot..."

Godot leaned back on the couch and smirked.

"Human possession, except I guess they've done that, too... revealing women's clothing? No, they have the skirts... evil twins?"

Everyone glared at him.

"Okay, nix on the evil twins," Phoenix said with a sigh, crossing it out.

A miserable silence followed, until Larry snapped his fingers and leapt up.

"I've got it, Nick!" he cried. "The Steel Samurai!"

"Uh," said Phoenix.

"What about it, Larry?" said Edgeworth wearily.

"Don't you get it? It's the one thing we have that they don't! They're in the future, right? So that means they'd have nothing to do with... a TV show."

Edgeworth stared at him with unending hatred. Phoenix crossed slowly to the window and beat his head against the glass.

Character/Pairing: Kirk with implied Kirk/McCoy and Kirk/Everyone
Rating: PG-13
Kink: "Can someone please write a fic where Kirk loses his brain filter and say what he thinks? Only (in addition to his slight obsession with sex) he reveals how smart and competent he actually is?"

"Captain --"

"Don't say it, Rand, I've already figured it out. No control over my inner monologue and since I've never been a linear thinker I sound a little schizophrenic, I'm sure. But nothing's a line, everything's a pool, that's the easiest thing to figure out, but if you hit age fifteen without knowing it, you're fucked -- How could the Eternal do a temporal act,/The Infinite become a finite fact?, Auden -- and I'd be statuing if I were starting to show signs of schizophrenia, is 'statuing' a word, HEY that's some visible nipple there, Yeoman."

Rand turned bright red, sputtering.

"Please excuse me, entirely out of line, but there is the inner monologue problem -- dialogue? polylogue? -- and they are very nice nipples too, I can't really blame myself for thinking about their presence but I assure you it's not affecting my professionalism Rand, have you ever considered the fact that the bulkhead you're leaning on is frozen? All solids are, but I guess I never really considered okay. Uhura, have you contacted Bones yet? Mmm, ice cream cake. Uhura, your legs are so beautiful."

"Thank you, Captain," said Uhura serenely, apparently taking this in stride. "The doctor's on his way."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Mmm, nachos. Now, Chekov, he knew the bulkhead was frozen, I bet, right, Chekov?"

"I --"

"And I bet you know how fast the bulkhead needs to be moving to convert it to, well that's easy, say thirty kilograms gets you three-point-oh times ten to the ninth meters per second squared, and. Hey, that'd work. Mr. Chekov, can you isolate a static warp bubble for a tiny window, say point-one, no, point oh-six-three (--> infin) nanoseconds to be safe. Right around me here, and disable the inertia stabilizers so that I'll be at the speed of light again, which because I just checked this morning at the gym oh-six-thirty-six hours I was 81.6466266 kilograms -- lookin' pretty sexy, am I right, ladies? -- converts to... well, you know."

"Ah, yes, Keptin, 8.16466266 to the ninth degree of ten squared."

"You're so fucking smart, Chekov, and also cute but Sulu would kill me. All right, do that, and I think this whaddeveryathingy should be reversed -- you're cute too, Sulu -- hmm, I'd like to get laid. Don't worry, later, later. I'm still hungry. Our cup of woes overfloweth, but alas, is not yet full, either Psalms or Siddhartha. Or Lord of the Rings? Hey, Bones! Bones is here! Bones, I'm in love with you. As you can see, I have no control over my inner polylogue, which sounds like 'polliwog,' ha."

McCoy stared.

"The polliwog thing, Chekov's fixing it. Fixing nachos, unfortunately not. Ouch, that love confession is going to cause drama later, isn't it? But Unhappy that I am, I could not heave/My heart into my mouth, King Lear, I changed the tense. Damn, I'm hungry. Nachos are also frozen? They must be! Is my mind blown? (Haha, blow.) Hey, Mickey, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind."

"Energizing, Keptin."

"...though I suppose the liquid parts of nachos would not be... frozen..."

Kirk paused.

After a moment of blessed silence, he cleared his throat.

"Thank you, Mr. Chekov."

"Not at all, sir."

Kirk sighed, and looked over the bridge crew.

"Do we really have to go through the 'awkward recovery' phase?" he asked them wistfully. "Can't we just chalk it up to boldly going, and move on?"

"I, personally, would enjoy nothing more than to forget this ever happened," said McCoy, deadpan.

Kirk lifted his eyebrows. "Okay, then. I'm off to lunch. Not surprisingly. Also, Bones, can I have a few lozenges? My throat's kind of sore."

Character/Pairing: OFC/Chekov, Spock/Chekov?  Except not really.
Rating: R for noncon telepathy and latinate English
Kink: VULCAN KINK MEME"A non-consensual mind meld is forced upon a character (the choice of whom is given to the anonymous author). A second character observes the reactions of the first, and heals him/her via a second mind meld. No physical intimacy is played out or implied. "
A/N: oh my, this was fun.

>Subject: One Time a Mind-Meld Was Unpleasant. One Time a Mind-Meld was Pleasant.
Posted By: T_Lira
2258-185 1:46 PM UTC

Once upon Stardate 2258.177, Ensign Pavel Andreivich Chekov walked into Conference Room 12 on deck 15 on the U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701. The room was already occupied by a female whose identity was unknown to Ensign Chekov. For this reason, he reacted with surprise. In addition, as Ensign Chekov was and still is fully Terran, still pubescent, and native to a particularly passionate Terran country, he expressed his surprise.

The unknown female said: "I apologize if I surprised you."

Ensign Chekov said: "My emotions are quite riotous! I feel both surprise and embarrassment at my surprise!" Ensign Chekov's face was flushed a very deep green and his eyes were wet, a Terran physiological reaction to turbulent and uncontrolled emotions.

The female stood and said: "I find your emotional expression fascinating. I shall mind-meld with you to further observe them."

Ensign Chekov reacted with equally uncontrolled dismay at this statement. Though he babbled nonsensical combinations of words such as "no" and "please" in a fascinatingly unsteady voice, his refusal to meld was quite clear.

Nevertheless, the female reacted as if he had acquiesced and placed her fingers on the cool flushed skin of his cheek. Ensign Chekov tried to escape, but his physical weakness made escape impossible. Therefore, he began to cry outright and the fluid from his eyes actually overflowed, running obscenely down his face and onto the female's fingers.

The female found this pleasing, particularly in tandem with the weak yet extremely clear emotions of fear, dislike, and "humiliation" (an untranslatable Terran emotion) that she observed through the meld. Ensign Chekov's thoughts and memories were also fascinating: considered a "genius" on Terra, his mathematical equations and ruminations on science were quite brilliant, yet charmingly classified into "favorites" and intermixed with "excitement."

The female ended the meld and, experiencing emotional side-effects, thanked Ensign Chekov and patted him on the head in a gesture of affection. Ensign Chekov, also experiencing side-effects, said: "I do not offer you welcome. I clearly expressed my desire not to participate in a mind-meld with you, yet you initiated one regardless. Thus, it was non-consensual and unacceptable."

Ensign Chekov then ran into the corridor.

Due to coincidence, Commander Spock, at that time, was proceeding down the same corridor. Ensign Chekov collided with him. Though clearly distraught and unable, even with Vulcan influence, to control his emotions of violation and trauma, Ensign Chekov apologized sincerely to Commander Spock and offered him assistance.

This fictional scenario is continued in a subsequent post.


Subject: One Time a Mind-Meld Was Unpleasant. One Time a Mind-Meld was Pleasant. Continued.
Posted By: T_Lira
2258-185 1:49 PM UTC

This post contains the continuation of the fictional scenario began above.

After the events previously mentioned, Commander Spock assured Ensign Chekov no assistance was necessary, and observed that Ensign Chekov seemed emotionally distraught. He said: "Ensign Chekov, you seem emotionally distraught."

Ensign Chekov said: "You are correct in your assessment, dear friend Mr. Spock! Figuratively, I am a riot of emotions, as though a storm were raging in my mind, again figuratively! An unknown Vulcan female mind-melded with me in Conference Room 12 against my wishes! As I have no control over my emotional responses, I am weeping and wailing and crying out for assistance! It is quite untoward!"

Commander Spock said: "Please allow me to attempt to reassure you, Ensign. I shall apprehend the offending female personally. In the interim, however, I shall offer a suggestion. Would you like me to erase your memories of the non-consensual meld via a second, fully consensual meld? I believe the benefits for your well-being would outweigh any emotional triggers for the meld former."

Ensign Chekov expressed surprise, then gently placed his hand in Commander Spock's. He whispered: "Oh, yes, Commander, that would be most pleasing! Please, meld with me, I need it now!"

Mr. Spock said: "Very well." He performed the meld.

When he had completed, Ensign Chekov was no longer crying, though his eyes were still slightly wet and his cheeks still slightly green. He let out a sigh and smiled at Commander Spock so widely that his teeth showed.

He said: "I am sorry, dear friend Commander Spock! I am rueful, because I have forgotten what we were currently discussing!"

Commander Spock, while himself feeling the aftereffects of the mind-meld, which included the same bald emotions and fascinating scientific theories that had fascinated the wicked unknown female, retained masterful control. He said: "I am unoffended, Ensign Chekov. Shall we continue to the bridge?"

Ensign Chekov expressed eager agreement and eager affection.

Afterward, they performed their duties admirably.

This is the end of the above fictional scenario.

phoenix wright, kirk/mccoy, star trek reboot, pxe, disabloed

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