Fic Index
Somehow I feel very dishonest doing this. But I guess stuff accumulates.
!!! = pornographical
;D = humor
¯\(°_o)/¯ = crack
Star Trek XI/Reboot/AOS
♥ ♥ ♥ Hikaru Sulu/Pavel Chekov ♥ ♥ ♥
Full Length/Standalone:
(↑ old; ↓ new)
What? (R). "Five times Chekov/Sulu were lost in translation, one time they weren't." Except I made it FOUR times and one time because I am 3dgy. ;D
Ultimate Chowdown of Ultimate Destiny (with implied Spock/Uhura, PG-13). "Chekov/Sulu. I don't care about the plot, just make the cutest thing ever. MAKE IT WITH CANDIES AND SUGAR." And -- and ice cream? ;D
[Intercepted Transmission] (NC-17). From
this prompt at the kink meme. I ttly intercepted this transmission by sheer chance, lucky me. !!! ;D
Busted (R). "5 times someone made Chekov jizz... in his pants, and one time Chekov made someone jizz in their pants." !!! ;D
Double-Check (NC-17). "Um. Milking. Like really focusing on Sulu wanting to make Chekov come and drink it all up. (Extra really-nervous Chekov's first time doing anything that kinky would be so good.)" !!!
Future Genetics (PG-13). "WE HAVE NO FIC ABOUT SULU AND CHEKOV'S BABY." IMO this called for double trouble. ¯\(°_o)/¯
Reliant (R). "Chekov and Sulu Prime."
A Little Night Music (NC-17). "Chekov sleepwalks, but that isn't the only thing he does in his sleep..." !!! ;D
Solstice (PG). Chekov spends a month on the threshold between night and day.
Souvenirs (NC-17). "Some not evil but very pushy aliens force everybody who visits their planet to get their nipples pierced. Chekov is on the away mission when this happens..." but do these nipple piercings hold a mysterious secret??? !!!
Nights of the Old Republic (PG-13). STAR WARS CROSSOVER! The Jedi Knight Hika-Ru Sulu meets a rakish rogue who will end up changing his life, in a strangely purple-prosaic adventure. ¯\(°_o)/¯
Fever Dream (NC-17). "Sulu and Chekov trapped in a cave/abandoned building/whatever in the freezing cold with only one blanket to share." !!!
Formative (NC-17). "Sulu is a cop and Chekov is his eager rookie partner"... OR IS HE??? !!! ;D
The Step (R). "Chekov is uncomfortable with the way Sulu is always wanting to be with him and take care of him and kiss'n'hug him, because he never grew up with that kind of affection."
Overdoing It (NC-17). "Sulu and Chekov go for a run together on board the ship, on a virtual course. Chekov is laughing because he can run circles around Sulu! Sulu, however, gets his revenge, and Chekov loves it." !!!
Come In (PG-13). On the night after the events of STXI, Ensign Chekov can't sleep. (Written for
_justwords_'s winning bid at
Ficlet/Short Fill:
(↑ old; ↓ new)
Sandbar (NC-17). "Chekov/Girl!Sulu!" !!!
Untitled (PG, character death). "Sulu trying to make sense of a death that served no purpose and just happened."
Date (NC-17). "Sulu is fooling around with virginal still-sewenteen Chekov and discovers that Chekov has like insanely sensitive nipples." !!!
Stud (NC-17). "Sulu with a tongue stud." !!!
Formal Logic (NC-17). "N-dimensional math (or, any headhurty-complicated math, really) as pillow talk." !!!
Time to Say Good-Bye (PG). "Chekov has an adorable bunny that he picked up on a planet they were visiting, but has to get rid of it due to starship rules." ;D
That's Me in the Corner (PG-13, with Sulu/Everyone?). "I want people of the Enterprise all going to Sulu to lose their virginity. Chekov, Spock, Uhura, even Kirk if you can manage it. All getting their cherries popped by Sulu. There is not enough Sulu." ;D
The Oy Way (PG-13). "Four times Chekov showed his Russian Jewishness (wishing people a "good Shabbes" on Friday, saying "oy gevalt" when he drops things, etc.) and one time he didn't." ;D
Never Leave Again (NC-17). "Welcome back; never leave again." !!!
Standard Measure (R). "Chekov is blissfully unaware of what "normal-sized" is and thinks that Sulu's penis is HUGE! Unfortunately we all know that he likes to boast." ;D
Exhibitionism and Voyeurism (NC-17). "Sulu/Chekov with McCoy as the voyeur." !!!
Communication (incomplete, PG-13). "Chekov/Sulu, high school AU. Sexting... and then they actually ~do it~."
Long Story Short (PG). For
this video prompt.
Post-Flight Procedure (NC-17). "Academy!era, Sulu/girl!Chekov, doing it in public. In a bar, against a wall, anywhere that anyone could see them if they were paying attention." !!!
Twelve Lords A-Leaping (R). Twelve months of two boys. For the
sulu_chekov Christmas Advent Countdown. !!!
Seven Swans A-Swimming (NC-17). New life and new civilizations can sometimes be quite shocking. For the
sulu_chekov Christmas Advent Countdown. !!! ;D
Three French Hens (NC-17). Chekov takes Sulu home. For the
sulu_chekov Christmas Advent Countdown. !!!
(↑ old; ↓ new)
Our First Date (with
reddqueen , G). Their first date. :3
A Beautiful Day (with
littlewolfstar ; canine canon selections by
simmysim and
onewayfreak , G). A DOGGONE LOVE STORY. ¯\(°_o)/¯
*** Other Pairings/General ***
Full Length/Standalone:
(↑ old; ↓ new)
LISTEN ALL Y'ALL (gen, PG-13). "In TOS, The Shatnerian Kirk cannot say 'Sabotage.' Instead, we get 'Sabataage.' I'd like to see Sulu getting fed up and flipping out after Kirk repeatedly says 'Sabataage' instead of "Sabotage.'" ¯\(°_o)/¯
Reddy for Duty (Kirk/Spock, PG-13). "Kirk decides to prove to Spock and his crew that the Redshirt Phenomenon is just a myth." ¯\(°_o)/¯
Stupid Girl (Chekov/Uhura/Sulu, with Chekov/Sulu and Spock/Uhura mentioned, NC-17). "Sulu/Uhura/Chekov. Friends-with-benefits!" !!!
Star Trek: Generations Gaps (Chekov/Sulu, Spock/Uhura, Kirk/McCoy, others, PG-13). Crossover with TNG. "AOS Enterprise gets caught in a time loop until the Enterprise-D finds them. A whole alternate timeline getting mashed into theirs 1. gives everyone a headache and 2. puts both crews in proximity while young and virile." ¯\(°_o)/¯
#boringshoreleave (Chekov/Sulu, Scotty/Uhura, Kirk/Spock/McCoy, R). "So, it's shore leave time and Kirk, Chekov, Bones, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, and Sulu all go their respective ways to do whatever they do on leave. They randomly end up on a chat room one night. Hilarity ensues." ¯\(°_o)/¯
Sounding Heartbeats, Intimidations (Spock/Uhura implied, PG). "Uhura in boy-drag." This somehow developed into an amalgamation of "A Piece of the Action" and Moonwalker. ;D
Ficlet/Short Fill:
(↑ old; ↓ new)
T'hy'la (Kirk/Spock one-sided, Spock/Uhura mentioned, PG-13). Jim is in love with his best friend, and, for whatever reason, that other person does not, can not, and will not love him back."
oh christ jesus (pairing shames readers of all ages). "Every time the Transporter tries to have sexy tiems with its beloved Ion Storms, things go horribly wrong." ¯\(°_o)/¯
Polylogue (Kirk/McCoy implied, PG-13). "Kirk loses his brain filter and say what he thinks, only (in addition to his slight obsession with sex) he reveals how smart and competent he actually is." ¯\(°_o)/¯
Fascinating (OFC/Chekov, Spock/Chekov, except not really, G).
VULCAN KINK MEME! "A non-consensual mind meld is forced upon a character. A second character heals him/her via a second mind meld. No physical intimacy is played out or implied." ¯\(°_o)/¯
Chess (gen, G). "A fic in which Chekov and Pike play chess."
The Fence-Rati Fellow (Sulu/Chekov, McCoy, Ralph Macchio, PG-13). "Native Californian Hikaru Sulu meets the mysterious Leonard McCoyagi, a grumpy handyman with a painful past and a repertoire of astonishing fencing skills." ¯\(°_o)/¯
Hysteria (Spock/Uhura/McCoy, NC-17). "A long time ago, women who weren't nice and proper and good were generally diagnosed with 'hysteria' ... Uhura has a severe case of hysteria and has to be cured. A lot." !!!
Picnic (Gaila/Scotty, PG). "No one will go within ten feet of Gaila due to pheromone stigma! Scotty DGAF and befriends her and she FINDS SOLACE."
Ace Attorney (Phoenix Wright arc)
♥ ♥ ♥ Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth ♥ ♥ ♥
The Heart Repeats (PG-13). "Phoenix and Edgeworth lying in bed naked, discussing life, the universe, and everything. Sex isn't necessary, touching would be better."
Changed Equation (PG-13). "I want Edgeworth high as a kite and over the moon at the prospect of seeing Phoenix."
Ficlet/Short Fill:
Galatea (PG). "If at all possible, my request is something based off the Galatea legend."
Rape Recovery (R). "NaruMitsu, rape recovery. (Preferably, Naru being the abused party.)"
Breathplay (NC-17). "Phoenix/Miles breathplay with Miles topping." !!!