Can't Cry Hard Enough September 11th Media Images The times were: 8:46am, 9:30am, 9:45am, and 10:10am
I was working as an administrative secretary to the Travel Operations Manager at AAA East Penn in Allentown, PA. I had my own office and always had a small boombox playing. That morning, I remember the song getting cut off and the DJ coming on in a panic saying that ''something crashed into one of the Twin Towers in NYC'' and then all of us rushing down to the TV in the break room to watch the whole thing unfold on CNN. It was crazy! I began to panic as my uncle was working in NYC just two blocks from The Twin Towers. It was Tuesday morning that this all happened. On that Saturday, my mom and I went to the newly dubbed ''Ground Zero'' for closure as we are native New Yorkers. My uncle was fine and my friend, John Scaltro, who is also my daughter Aurora's Godfather, is a NY Firefighter on Staten Island and he was called into NYC to help with everything. I just remember crying a lot during that day and especially when I went to Ground Zero to say ''Goodbye to NY's Two Front Teeth'' as I like to call it. :(
That Sunday, I went to the NYRF with my at the time best friend, Andrea, and we couldn't believe all the American Flags that were all over the place. It was so awesome and was great to see all the Patriotism!