Well here it is...October 1st. Damn, time is sure flying by for me. Aurora will be 7 weeks old already on Tuesday. She is still somewhat confusing her days and nights but is sleeping longer at times. If I'm lucky she'll sleep a whole 4 hours which actually is fine by me since I'm nursing I'd still have to get up to pump even if she did sleep longer. So far the record was 7 hours one night where I did have to get up to pump anyway. All things considered it's going very well with the new addition to our household. We did have a bit of a scare a week and a half ago where we thought Aurora had pneumonia, but it was just a cold that took 48 hours to get out of her system. I do believe it was the power of prayer that made whatever she had pass so quickly and made it only a minor cold. Thank you to all who had her in your prayers and THANKS BE TO GOD! She currently has a bit of an eye infection though that I have to give her an ointment three times daily. It wouldn't be so bad to do but I have to put it on inner eyelid and it freaks me out to do it. Bleh. (I have some issues with things eye related. It's a wonder I can even wear contacts.)
Ariel is doing great at Goddard but the other little girls are becoming a bad influence on my kidlet. She's becoming bratty just as they are. This weekend we had two birthday parties to go to...one house party (for Mary) and the other was at Chuck E. Cheese's (for Myrra). The house party only reinforced my NOT wanting to have a kid party in my home. No way am I having 14 plus kids (all age 3 or 4) and their parents/siblings in my house...na uh...not happening. Ariel's birthday is just a month away (Nov 2nd) and I have to get the invites out by the end of this week. I have to call around to see where I can have her party for the least amount of money. Anyone have any suggestions? Unfortunately we don't have a McDonald's around here that does birthdays and/or has an indoor playland area. *sigh* I'm going to call Body Zone, Ozzy's, Chuck E. Cheese, Chick-Fil-A, and Bouncing Off The Walls in Levittown (even though that one is way out of the way, I just wanted to get some info from them anyway). The thing is, from now until the end of the year, all the kids in Ariel's pre-school class will be turning 4. So there will be many parties to go to. Ariel also decided her theme this year will be The Little Mermaid, Ariel. Good timing I suppose since the world has puked up all things Ariel due to the DVD release this Tuesday. Easy shopping this year, that's for sure. Speaking of The Little Mermaid, my Ariel was dressed as Ariel tonight for dinner. We went out to Friendly's and she insisted on wearing her Ariel gown out to dinner, so I gave in this once as long as she left her tiara at home. Agreed. She did look uber cute though and many folks commented on how lovely her dress was so she was beaming of course. What a kid.
In other news, I'm having another "girls only" party on Friday the 13th this month. I'm hoping to have it be as much of a success as the first one was. So far I have 15 gals confirmed. Should be a good time indeed. PartyGals - they have a website ...
http://www.partygals.biz/stephaniestoychest - go.check.it.out. This time I think I'll remember to take some pics *LOL* since last time I was having much too much fun to do so.
Well I thought I had more to say but right now I've run out of steam. So that's it for now. Anon.
///EDITED TO ADD: I just watched the latest Salad Fingers episode...nothing like seeing Salad Fingers in a lovely white frock...Poor Kenneth. Wanna' see what I'm talking about? Go here: