Aug 06, 2007 00:25
Houston, we have a musical!
No, we're not doing "Mame." No, Dr. G is not using our non-existant money to hire an outside director so he can play the lead in "Man of La Mancha."
Welcome to the "South Pacific" everyone.
A Rodgers & Hammerstein classic. Light dancing, minor French dialect, wonderful nationalities, serious tone, very upbeat show...and not a soprano in sight! It's an alto's dream. hehe I ordered my script tonight.
And, for those of you who haven't guessed by now, yes, I will be auditioning for the musical. A musical with no lead can I not audition?
And the show is even more beautiful because I won't be stuck propping for all of these military people and nurses and villagers. I can just relax.
Mike's taking his driver's test on Tuesday. I honestly think he might pass it his first time...a rarity, for most people. He's been driving on the streets for ages and today he did maneuverability for the first time and Ghandi couldn't have done it better.
Dennis' bonfire was the highlight of my summer. It was so wonderful to see everyone...Jessie, Seth, Davey, Todd, Dennis, Amy, Shawn, Robyn, Nickie, Chris, Amanda. I miss everyone so much. We sat and talked in the little "campsite" for a couple hours before going inside to watch the AP's Greek Sing performance. Around 11:45, we realized it wasn't on the tape, so we went outside to do toast and then watched it on Dennis' laptop. God, do I miss that performance. I remember sitting in the stands and that was when I decided I was going AP Lil' Sis whether Mike agreed to it or not. I'm laughing now as I remember going through the guys' names in the program and trying to remember who was who.
People starting leaving after toast and those who stayed got more and more wasted. Shots, beer, and hot dogs over the open fire. A few people went streaking down Dennis' street around 1:30am...and then around 3 they all sat naked on the side of Dennis' house, just talking. Sleeping that night was fun...there were three tents: Nickie & Aly, Dennis & Amy, and Me & Davey & Shawn & Robyn. As I told Amy, "couple, orgie, couple." Surprisingly, we were all awake by 9:30...we went to Waffle House for breakfast and were amazed when the restaurant started playing songs about itself..."back to the Waffle House..."
It was the best night I have had in a really long time...and it made me realize how much I love my Heidelberg family. I've always considered the APs my brothers (even before pledging)...especially Davey & Seth. Jessie has been and will always be my sister and dearest best friend. When the four of us get together, I feel like its a family reunion. It's just so...magical. (Yes, I know how corny that sounds, but I don't care 'cause it's true.) And I'm so excited for the APs when they get their house up and running because Dennis said he's going to have people over all the time. It'll be good exercise...walking back and forth to the AP house.
All of a sudden, I'm almost excited to go back to campus. :)
~ Sirona
south pacific,
ap lil' sis,
seth c,