Nov 14, 2006 02:56
OK, day one wasn't as bad as I thought. Granted, I did not see that many AP's or Sis's. But we're getting there. NME was...well, yeah.
We found out our big sis's tonight. Mine are Keri Miller and Kirsten Roche. I'm happy to have both of them. I don't know them very well, so I'm looking forward to getting to know them.
We also got our paddles tonight to start working on. Went to Wal-Mart...studying in the car...and bought paint. I put a starting coat on my paddle tonight. I created a new color, which I am calling "Aptonalton Maroogundy."
But the best thing that happened to me today was talking to Mike.
You don't have to change a thing;
Just stay with me.
He IMed me out of the blue to say and talk. I felt so special that he IMed me first to start talking. It was sad that we were talking over such a subject matter, but the fact was that we talked. It wasn't five minutes of silence followed by, "Sorry I'm not talking much." It was a full conversation. It was wonderful.
I want you and you and nothing but you;
miles and piles of you.
Finally I'll have something worthwile
to think about each morning.
The thought of seeing Mike on Saturday is getting me through this week. Every moment that ticks by is a moment closer to seeing him...
You and you and nothing but you;
no substitution will do. holding him, to lying beside him...
...when we get to my house,
take a look at that town.
Take a look at how far I've gone. remembering why I wake up every morning, why I am alive.
...and it feels like my life
led right to your side
and will keep me there from now on.
Think about what you wanted.
We talked for ages, about how we want things to be like the beginning again...
Think about what could be.
...when it was just Mike and Nikki and nothing else we want that back...
Think about how I love you. our future with each other is going to be about Mike and Nikki forever and ever...
Think of what's great about me and you.
...and how we know that with everything that is going on right now...
Think of the bullshit we've both been through.
...that we can and will survive anything together...
Think of what's past because we can do better!
...because we know that nothing could possibly destroy our undying love.
We can do better than that!
the last five years,
big sis,
ap lil' sis,