May 09, 2009 21:55
[It is a quiet, peaceful day in the City, and the fountain is shimmering underneath the midday sun under a backdrop of blue sky and singing birds.
That is, until a sudden splash! coming from the fountain breaks the otherwise picturesque scene.
And then someone emerges from the fountain wearing a clearly displeased look on her face which is, quite simply put, scary beyond all reason.]
Why do we even have that lever?
[She then looks around, quite utterly confused as she steps out of the fountain, wringing the hem of her dress]
Now, ah... Hmm... That's strange. I don't remember the palace having such a place underneath it. Oh well, I will deal with this once I get rid of that worthless Kuzco forever. Back to the secret lab!
[She points to the sky, then runs to... somewhere, except wherever she thinks she's running to isn't quite there.]
Let's see here... That's funny; I'm sure there was supposed to be a way back up. Now unless my highly-developed brain-combined with sheer physical beauty, of course-is wrong, I am fairly certain that the sudden lack of a ladder is someone else's fault.
[And here her face turns a dark shade of red, hands curled into fists and pressed tightly against both sides]
Kronk! Kronk! I demand an explanation for this! And it had better be good.
scaring chilluns since 923023 b.c.,
ugly beyond all reason