I feel as though certain wanks should go on the fandom calendar, like holidays.
March 11 is international Due South wank free appreciation day.
March 12 is Vecchio vs Kowalski to the death. Or the cocks. Whatevs.
May 7 is the day everyone is Seeing Red regarding Buffy fandom.
June 2 is "Red Wedding Spoiler and Sadness Day".
July 1 is "Lets Go To The Mall and bitch about HIMYM" day
And so on. I'm sure there are many things. Just think of the highlights of the Ms.Scribe saga. Or the milestones in the proper channeling of dead gay hobbits? March 31 is the anniversary of "Dead Gay X" becoming a meme, circa 1989 (See: Heathers). A lifetime in wank years.
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