Have You Hugged Your Woobie Today? - FFA Post #159

Oct 13, 2012 18:39

The lower the level in the bottle gets, the more important this question becomes to drunk!mod.

All the fail_fandomanon Rules and Information: http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/36692.html The short version: no embeds, don't out people's real names, don't be that much of an asshole, body fluids are off topic, Mods reserve the right to delete the fuck out of ( Read more... )

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FFA Chat - "It's still Sunday, I swear!" edition anonymous October 14 2012, 22:11:48 UTC
It's still Sunday in some parts of the world (and some Monday morning!nonnies might not sleep), so why not duck in for a bit of chatting with nonnies?

[How to join:]IRC client
(e.g. mIRC)

1. Go to Options > Servers. If irc.goodchatting.com isn't among the preinstalled servers, click "Add". Enter "irc.goodchatting.com" for IRC server and a description of your choice, then click "Add".
2. Click on "Select" and then "Connect". The program should now connect to the server.
3. Pick a nickname of your choice. To change your nick, type "/nick [nick of choice]" without the brackets.
4. Type "/join #failfandom".

(e.g. Mibbit):

1. Go to www.mibbit.com
2. Scroll down to "Chat now" near the bottom of the page and click.
3. Under "Connect", click "Server" and enter "irc.goodchatting.com"
4. Enter a nick of your choice and "#failfandom" under "Channel".
5. Click connect.

Browser add-on(here: Chatzilla for Firefox
... )


HEY MODS anonymous October 15 2012, 01:11:41 UTC
Why don't we keep this info at the top of the page? Seems like a good reference to anyone unfamiliar with IRC


Re: HEY MODS sunnysideolife October 15 2012, 01:33:26 UTC
I added a link to the info in the header of the post.


Re: HEY MODS anonymous October 15 2012, 01:42:48 UTC
Yay! You are awesome. Hopefully this leads to new blood in the chat :)


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