Ain't No Love (icons that are not QC-fandom)

Apr 05, 2011 02:51

...maybe I'm looking for a reason to be upset? I don't know. I was trying to distract myself from the fact that LJ wasn't loading (and therefor couldn't make my daily_scifi entry), so I rewatched the damn thing twice on VHS, then tracked it down on the internet so I could make a bunck of icons for a scene I loath. Don't mind me. But then again, Elisabeth Röhm, so, pretty!

Can you tell I haven't slept right in days?

Also, if anyone wants 300+ caps of her in her final scene on Law & Order, let me know. Maybe then I can justify it in a better light?

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|.still alive.|, |.prescription stoner.|, |.geekdom.|, law & order, |.ooh.look.shiny.|, |.the gay is contagious.|

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