- It always shocks even me when it takes me just short of forever to write a post that I already (pretty much) know what I'm going to write. In this case, the last post took around two hours to do. I started at 12:20 and didn't get it done until 2:30.
- Yesterday, early evening (actually shortly before my computer fucked up), I made an icon in celebration of my (until that point) great luck. (Billy, from the opening of the pilot episode of The Bridge) It also took stupid-long, but at least this time I can blame it on needing to take 50+ caps of the scene -using VLC, which is slow to cap with-, and the scene cuts between characters very quickly.
- I'm trying to decide the... something, manors is the closest word, I guess, of distributing images (screen caps, scans, whatever) by someone else. Not on a website or anything, but as part of the (long overdue) December gifts for people. To make icons/pixel dolls/ect, I collected images all into one folder to make the actual making of the things easier, and I can't decide if I should also inclure a zip folder of the images for the recipients' use as well. I would also include a text file with credit to the source, but it still might be breaking internet ediquet or whatever.
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