Should you be hittin the sauce with a bun in the oven?

Jul 28, 2005 14:28

So i had an amazing night with the ladies. Gwyn* Dee* Court* ya know... the girlsss...
Drinks really get you thinkin- let me tell you...

I don't know whether it was reminising or a need of a feeling of security but it definately kicked my ass last night. good thing Dee know exactly what i meant and what i was feeling. For some reason i just wanted to cry but laugh at the same time. We were pretty much talking to our past. Have you ever felt so insecure that you felt like you NEEDED that security back and you'd do anything... even try to make someone else reminis your past- together- your past that helped you learn lessons and most of all remember your first true love.
        Ashley told me once that first love dies hard but it's never actually buried... true fucking that. It hurts to even hear that voice but at the same time it just might be the biggest comfort.
        On a car ride last night me and Gwyn had a crazy good conversation. it's not even in the school year and im learning so much. That you can't wish for something you see in a Disney Movie... that you can't rush things... true love will come whether im ready or not or whether im patient or not. But it was just that feeling. the feeling i lost a while ago that hit me and i was like Holy Shit and then we got the balls to pick up the phone which kind of just made matters worse. 
        I have to admit that last night made me realize hanging out with the girls and just not having to pretend i'm happy is what really makes a difference in a person. We're young and dumb and have sleep overs not because we have to but because it's illegal to drive the way you end up at the nights end

"To growing up together"
(then we hit the sauce.. no buns in the oven though.... i hope)


"to growing up together"

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