From the valley to the stars.

Apr 12, 2009 11:08

I haven't updated in a while. This break  has actually been intensely amazing. I'm really happy if you exclude the fact that I have to go to fucking church in a few minutes. I don't know why my mom still makes me go even though she knows I'm atheist.

Thursday: Jon, Ethan, Mike, Sean, Brittany, Jenny, April and I smoked and stayed at Sean's.  It was incredibly fun. I never talked much to Brittany but she's hilarious and Jenny(her sister) is awesome as well. Jenny and I were running around the basement the whole night stoned out of our minds laughing at everything and everyone.  Then at the end of the night Jon, Jen, Mike and I tried to sleep on one couch.  It was interesting because the couch was tiny. I have to admit it wasn't too bad snuggling up against Jon the whole night. Although - and this is really weird and uncomfortable - Mike was trying to play footsie with me. Like he really was, it didn't just seem like it. He did weird things like that the whole night. Which is weird considering he's the I AM CHRISTIAN JOIN THE ARMY NO GAYZ kind of guy. But whatever.

Friday: Left Sean's early and had to stay at my mom's work all day. Fucking snobby ass rich town.  The people in that town were such pretentious self-important shits. They acted as if their lives had meaning. We went to the library and their's was all pretty but had NO FUCKING GOOD BOOKS. Seriously it had nothing good or intellectual or anything. It was shit. My sisters and I went in the "Teen Lounge" where they had such good books as Twilight and Crank. They had a suggestion box so I wrote down "Stop catering to the stereotypical idiot teenager group and put some decent books in here.  Maybe you should all stop trying to make it seem like your life has meaning and actually learn something.  Fuck you." and put it in there. Hinsdale pisses me off so much. Then at like midnight we went to Round the Clock and I SAW COLETTE. It was beautiful. We were sitting there and I just hear "....Jack?" and it was awesome. I miss Colette. Then we slept over at Jon's and we made a fort because that's how awesome we are.  It was one some small couch so once again we pretty much all just laid on each other.  I like cuddling even if it's with people I don't actually like sexually.  It was cool.

Saturday: Jon put musak on my iPod and we went to the flea market with Mike and he drove 100 down a road and almost crashed, great times, great fucking driver.  Jon, April and I crusaded away from everyone else and Jon eventually stole a troll and named it Obvious. GET IT OMG?!?!? Jon and I decided we'd come back with money to look at comic books and stuff one day. Then we went to McDonald's where I insisted upon constantly taking Jon's hat. I eventually licked his bald head and nom'd his arm. It was interesting. Then we went to my house where Jon and April played Persona 3 while Sean and I slept on my bed. We played Smarty Pants which was pretty intense. Blah blah we we ended up at April's house where we played hide and go seek in the dark. That's how AMAZING we are.  And then later we went to Jon's where Ethan took Sean and I around in his car while we smoked.  I'm so proud of myself for actually learning how to light the lighter and smoke myself. It's kind of sad that that makes me proud but hey. I smoked a lot and got really stoned and then started being like "WHERE ARE WE WTF?" and it seemed like we kept going down the same road. When we got to Jon's and April took me home we listened to shitty techno and it was the best thing ever. Then I got home and my parents lectured me about something and it was SO HARD to pretend to be sober.  I don't remember what I did after that.

I've never been sure whether Jon knows I'm gay or not. I would think so after so much time with me but I dunno. I'm pretty positive now because they saw my porn and started laughing and Jon says, all cheeky and smiley, "So why is it gay porn?".  And whenever we talk about how we don't believe in God he usually says "God hates fags, Jack." all jokingly. So I should think he knows. And yet we still cuddle fuddle all the time. It's cool.

OH OH- Church. I will post moar later.
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