If I stumble...

Mar 29, 2009 17:15

I know I just posted but I really wanna post again.  I took the Adderall and it's hitting now.  I still have a tiny bit of a high from the hash but this is amazing. I have listened to "Help, I'm Alive" on repeat by Metric for an EXTREMELY long time. A few hours.  I feel like I can relate to it. I just wanna talk to everyone now. Everyone I know! But nobody's online and I don't wanna call any more people.. It sucks. Everyone's gone in my house so that's cool. This term paper is kinda fun now. It's like I really wanna do it to show that I can...but then again with the help of somebody else's perscribed pills what the fuck?  I got a thing in the mail a few days ago about being in the National Society of High School Scholars. I just saw it and laughed my ass off because I am such a SCHOLAR. I'm taking pills to be able to do my term paper...what a scholar! Seriously but whatever. I'm really happy right now and this song rules so fuck it, you know? 
Seriously I think I have a problem.  I want to go to a psychiatrist....but I don't want one who will just throw pills at me.  If I need pills I want it to be because they think I genuinely do. I mean I think I do but I don't want that to just be the stoner in me talking.  It sucks that I need these sorts of things to make me really happy. Like I'm VERY happy right now. And I can't get anywhere near this sober...ever.  This paper is kinda interesting now...I think I can make the deadline. It's just so much shit this fatass wants us to do UGHH.
So I dunno what else to talk about. My hands are freezing as fuck and my eyes feel big.  This is so fucking lame that I'm doing this.
But it's not like anyone reads my entries anyway.
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