I got really hot and then I came to in the chillout tent.

Mar 20, 2009 17:45

Life is good now, with the exception of the term paper. Half of my break will be working on that shit and the other half will be getting insanely drunk.

Bobby and Matt are becoming way better friends with me all the time. I'm getting really close with them. I told Bobby I was gay because it came up when I told him about a message Ben sent me on Myspace(more on that...). And Matt was told too. Neither of them care. I STILL think Matt's gay and in the closet but hey, it's alright. He shaved his head and looked insanely adorable. I can't help myself from rubbing his shaved head every time I see him.
We're(Bobby, Matt, Gibbons and I) going to see NIN in May. It's going to be badass.  Also we're trying to see if all my friends and I can room together. So far it's Cassie, April, Jon, Sean, Bobby, Gibbons and Matt. Maybe Hillary and other people. I dunno. It's going to be the best thing ever though. I cannot wait.

But yeah. Ben randomly sent me  a message on Myspace titled "College and our friendship". Which is weird because I haven't thought about him in a while. For those out of the loop Ben was my boyfriend for a few months in freshman year. He was extremely intelligent but didn't know how to deal with people very well. I did do my first sexual stuff with him, but that's beside the point.  He messaged me and talked about college and, well, our friendship. I have yet to reply. I don't really know what to say. It made me happy/sad to read it.  He told me he was wondering about my life and things like that. I will respond..eventually. I just don't know how to deal or what to say.

I can't stop listening to "Chillout Tent" by The Hold Steady. I want to go into one now. But this song is so simple and sweet. I nearly cry everytime the girl says "And I never saw that boy again." It's been on repeat for a very long time.

Also I have gotten into a work-out craze. I need to make my muscles more defined so people actually know that I have physical strength. I'm one of the strongest guys in my BJJ class, and most of the other dudes are older also so yeah. And I want to do more cardio because I get so freaked out that I'm a fatass or something. At the gym on the machines it was amazing working out in time to the music. Like I would go as fast as I could during the chorus of "Muppet Face". I'm a loser but it works.

April's coming over for a while. And tommorow I might stay the night at Matt's or Jon's.
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