and more about me...

Dec 18, 2008 10:18

Well i guess it is *my* blog so I shouldn't feel awkward about it as waves of nostalgia, or nausea, Naustalgia! overcome me...

If you know me, you know how much of a stickler for form and rhyme and craft I am. I had a fantasy many years ago of ushering in a whole new set of standards into the American Songbook. I wrote about ten songs in this style... most of which suck... a few of which... like this one... ended up on some cabaret CDs like this one Ida Zecco - Better To Have Loved.

I never finished that project. As much as I like writing that way, i just don't have that kind of Sinatra croon or Mel Torme lilt in my voice. But there are a few pieces to salvage from that wreckage.

As Long as I Live
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