Feb 28, 2006 18:55
After claiming Pizza Faces apartment as my own for the past few weeks this place has been starting to feel like a comfortable sex hole that I'd like to call home. After that sensual thought came into my head, and I flicked the bean, made a barrito, and watched some Lifetime movies on the TV the Latino Rocket stole, I came to the realization: What happened to my old crib!?
Girl I just upt and left that nigga damp crack hole and completely forgot about it. Prolly was all the drug juice I be sipping. Club Butt Bounce girls are into some heavy shit and I'd do anything to be popular, Anything. Them super fly honeys got me all druggy honey and I must've not been thinking right.
So's I goes back to my old place to see if I left any thai slaves in the closet or if there be some old waffles on the counter on account of Sarah (The biker boob) cooked me some Asian cuisine like a year ago that I forgot to eat. DAMN THOSE WAFFLES WERE TIGHT! I walk in to find some brown waffles, they tasted awfully brown too. Anyways after checking the closet to my relief I still had one thai sex slave left and soon let her go, soon as in hours later. Hours of hot ethnic love dancing, BOOTY CALL! And then I see her out the window...Dicknose was waving to me looking through them binocs and touching her delta like she did on our first cuntfrontation. THAT NIGGA BE WAITING MY RETURN.
Girl! Now I gots me to places to crash my sweet ass and I aint paying fo neither, this girl knows how to get by, if you know what I mean. Dick Nose is stopping by later, she said she wanted to show me something about a scratch N' sniff pussy or something like that. I heard the vagina part and was all "RAISE THE ROOF!!!"