On the plane ride back to Portland I read Orson Scott Card's book Pastwatch. It details the research of a group of scientists in the future trying to pinpoint the cause of societies current problems. It left my head spinning. I've been having trouble remembering that I don't live in the world where they have computers that can show them what happened in the past without any guesswork. I got so sucked into the story and the world that Orson Scott Card created that I've been dazed for a day.
I went to see
Howl's Moving Castle tonight with Beth and it just filled my head with another such world. Both were about preventing or stopping needless war.
So I've been thinking a lot about the horrors of our modern world and what we could do to stop them, or what we could have done to prevent them. What can I do right now with my resources to stop genocide, starvation, or disease? Nothing. But the folks in Pastwatch can with their technology and years of research. Or Howl can with his amazing magic and demon friends.
Just thinking. That's all.