[Mun Business] State of the Muses

Aug 09, 2011 00:01

State of the Muses - August '11


character: mirrorbirth
series: Tales of the Abyss
tagging priority: ■■■■□: Usually he's tied for Zack at second in line.
muse strength: ■■■■□: I hiccup about what to post for him because he's not the most social character ever, but whenever I have something to tag with him, I tag it pretty fast.
cast strength: ■■■■□: It's shrunk some, but it's also growing again. I think it's fabulous.
plotting capabilities: ■■■□□: Kinda relative. He's available for stuff, but since his goals in Auldrant have been attained and he's dead anyway, he lacks the incentive to go home like everyone else, so he's just focused on living.
general fun level: ■■■□□: When he's doing stuff, he's loads of fun. I just get twitchy when he's not doing stuff. D| Thankfully his CR keeps him busy enough for him to stay active.
likelihood of drop: ■□□□□: I'd say never, but I never say never, so. Not never. Just bloody unlikely. (lol bloody.)

character: truthget
series: Fullmetal Alchemist
tagging priority: ■■■■■: I... pretty much always do his tags first. Maybe it's the new muse thing but he's just ridiculously fun to play.
muse strength: ■■■■■: He's noise and an attention whore 8| I think I'm set for a while with him.
cast strength: ■■■■□: I love my cast ;A; There's still lots of room to grow, though, so.
plotting capabilities: ■■■■□: I think he has lots of room to grow, too? And lots of opportunity to do so. There's tons of potential with him, and I have lots of ideas already. The joys of a new character I guess?
general fun level: ■■■■■: Oh god fun. So much fun. Ridiculous amounts of fun.
likelihood of drop: □□□□□: Yeah, I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon.

character: notakor
series: 07-Ghost
tagging priority: ■■□□□: I generally get to Mikage last or second to last because he doesn't have very many. This gets shaken up depending on my mood, but I'm not always as interested in what he's up to when compared to the others.
muse strength: ■■■□□: He's strong when I'm threading, but often times I lack incentive to start threads, so I think I'm in serious need of some plottings with him.
cast strength: ■□□□□: ...Well, the cast exists, but the only one regularly active is Shuri... idek what to say about this.
plotting capabilities: ■■□□□: He doesn't have a whackload of potential. Mikage is pretty much my go-to guy for the everyday fun stuff. One of my concerns about bringing in Rui (see the bottom) is that she'll take over his role and render him pointless, but he might be okay. We'll see, I guess.
general fun level: ■■■□□: He's still fun, there's no denying that. But I fell out of love with his canon and fandom months ago, so I think he's suffering because of that. Love of a single character can't always fix the bleh on canon.
likelihood of drop: ■■■□□: I only put him at 3 because there's no 2.5. These things need to be in a rating of six, methinks :|a I don't plan on dropping him, but I think if I needed to trim the numbers again, he'd be the one to go. 07-Ghost just doesn't do it for me anymore.

character: sokkafangirl
series: Avatar: The Last Airbender
tagging priority: ■■■□□: Also kinda low on the totem pole, but considering I usually finish all my tags in one session and tag at least once a day, it's not like she or Mikage are terribly far behind.
muse strength: ■■■□□: I don't have any problems with her tags, for the most part. Sometimes I falter, but it depends on what I have to work with.
cast strength: ■■■□□: We have a pretty awesome cast, I just need to get some CR developing with them more. It's just a matter of how, I guess.
plotting capabilities: ■■■□□: I think she's okay? The Kyoshi Warriors should help her expand a little. I'd also like to get her doing some stuff with her girlfriends, to get her more out and about. She's too much of a shut-in right now. And she needs to have some soon-to-be-sister bonding with Katara. (AND TRAINING WITH TOPH!)
general fun level: ■■■□□: Every now and then I get bored of her threads, but that's my fault for not always giving her more depth. Might be about time for a kidnapping so I can take a break/review, or give her some kind of effect to stir things up.
likelihood of drop: ■■□□□: I don't have any plans, and I don't think it's likely, but I dunno how things will pan out in the long run. She has a nice niche, though, and she's got the Kyoshi Warriors now, like I said, so she's probably okay.

character: wingenvy
series: Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core
tagging priority: ■■■■□: Like I said above, he's tied for Asch at second.
muse strength: ■■■■■: I've played Zack for eight years straight now, so tagging with him is never an issue.
cast strength: ■□□□□: ...Well, he has Aerith? |D;; Raaj is a wonderful Aerith though, so the number is only due to the number of castmates. (Also I don't count Vincent because Zack is Crisis Core-specific.)
plotting capabilities: ■■■□□: He's... kind of quiet? I should really do something with him, but he's pretty content in Luceti, besides the occasional restlessness. Maybe he needs to go adventuring or something.
general fun level: ■■■■□: Zack's the kind of character that can make damn near any situation he's in fun, so I have a lot of fun with him, whatever I do. I need to expand and do more, though, for sure.
likelihood of drop: ■□□□□: Same as Asch, basically; never say never, but very unlikely. I've been playing Zack for so long that it feels more weird to not play him than anything else.


  • working on replaying Lux-Pain still, because I am really interested in trying Rui. The more I think about it, and talking to Shikki last night, has gotten me super-excited about it yet again. I just think she'd be a fantastic fit for my need for a simple, non-combatant girl, and on top of that, she's damn adorable. Plus she's from something obscure enough that I wouldn't need a zillion icons or a paid account *__* hurray for reducing expenses, seriously. I already started writing a permissions post for her (and pondered a CR chart format ahaha), how sad is that. Need to finish the game and test-drive her, though. Even if she has to be a lone canon warrior, I think she has a lot of potential.

  • I need to stop getting distracted with other stuff and just. You know. BUCKLE DOWN AND PLOT STUFF. Or something. I think half my problem is that I tend to just let things happen- I don't pursue a lot of extra CR because I'm afraid of getting overwhelmed, but that means getting bored when my inbox is low on tags. I still suck at balance, but lately my number of tags has been really low, so much that nirvana isn't a challenge so much as a given. I like having a manageable number of tags, but having to keep myself occupied with video games and whatnot because I have none isn't a habit I want to keep going for long after I finish my TotA/Lux-Pain review.

  • It feels weird to only have five characters. Really weird. I kind of like it, though, so come September I really will have to sort out whether I want to keep it that way or go back up to six again. I don't think I'll be playing 7 characters again for a while, though. Five or six is a nice, comfortable and manageable number.

And that is all.

state of the muses, (rp) luceti

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