Aug 12, 2004 02:41
So tomorrow is my brother Rico's 1st birthday and my dad is having a little party thing for him. Now any normal person would invite there daughter to come to it simply because the child is her brother. BUT since i haven't spoken to my dad in oh i don't know almost two months now he probably won't even call me and ask me if i'd like to go. Lord forbid he actually picks up the phone and calls just to see how i am. He can call here all the time and check on Rico, i have no problem with that hell its more then he ever did for me or my other brother. Now when he calls here he always talks to either my Grandma or my Grandpa. Every once in a blue moon he'll talk to my brother but yet some how he never has asked to talk to me. Now if you truely care about someone and you just so happen to call the house that they're at almost everyday wouldn't you stop and think hmmm... maybe i should ask to talk to them just so i know they're ok or something along those lines? Hell i don't even live with my mother but even she calls me everyonce in awhile just to see how my life is. Well you know what? Screw my dad. If he wants to be an asshole too me and not call me that's his loss not mine. I'm tired of always being the one to pick up the phone and call him. I did it when i was living with my mother, and i do it here. He says he used to call all the time to see how we were at my mothers house but he never did and if he did call it was because my mom had called him to tell him to yell at us for something we did, never to say hey how are you guys doing. I remember at one point he didn't call us for three months because he was "working". Yet some how he cares about us? right... and tomorrow it will rain money and no one will ever go hungry again. Like i said i'm done trying to please him and i'm done constatnly worring about when my dad is going to call me you know why because after 21 years of caring... I DON'T GIVE A RATS ASS ANYMORE! Ya i still care about him but i guess he doesn't care about me. Oh well like i said his loss.