Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three PART ONE: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four THREE PART TWO: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession
HNNNNNNNGH #1: GLASSES. Oh god. Yes. Yes. Slender and rimless. Thick-framed and big. THEY ARE ALL DELICIOUS. You put glasses on ANYONE and they are automatically hotter than they were. Seriously just pop on them specs and I will go right ahead and blow you.
HNNNNNNNGH #2: MIDDLE-AGED DUDES. Imagine a slender, waifish 40-something, hair all got tinges of grey at the sideburns, eyes (behind spectacles, of course,) all got those gentle crow's-feet that belie a fondness for laughter, all sensible and yet with a quiet, wry wit. Gives me a boner just THINKING about such a thing. @U@ I totally can't wait 'till I'm 40. Finally, all the middle-aged guys I could desire and none of the social stigma~!
HNNNNNNNGH #3: WEIRD SCIENCE. I am talking like serious ass, weird tubes and limbs and shit everywhere, Keith Thompson style WEIRD SHIT. The sort of stuff that gives normal(read: well-adjusted) nightmares. Personally I am glad I am this twisted, as I much prefer boners to nightmares. :D
...God, I should find a meme entirely based around fetishes. Doing this was FUN. eWe
IN OTHER NEWS, I was listening to
this song because my taste in music is REALLY easy to get earworm'd on, (I'M SORRY TO EVERYONE I JUST DID IT TO) and every time I hear the lyrics all I can think is "Oh, honey, can't you see? He's gay." I mean seriously. Listen to it. All the dudes in the world drooling over this chick but the dude she's singing about just don't give a shit. It seems especially clear to me that she's missing the thing he truly desires, and that thing is of course a dick.
I am now going to imagine this song as a sort of anthem for any guy who has the girls hanging all over him, but only has eyes for the cock. Probably not what it was intended for, but it's just too perfect. ;U;