Oct 27, 2005 15:13
HA! HA! HA! Who needs men anyhow? All the grief and anguish they cause... I am now on two waiting lists for subsidy housing, hate to go back to that point but it needs to be done, both of them offer prioroty to pregnant women and both were very accomodating, perhaps I will be able to stay in Edmonton. But that goes back to the "do I really want to" question. Truth is I am not sure, I want to run. I want to be able to take off and start a new life, I want to be away from all this crap and drama. But I don't want to leave Rayne, I couldn't do that to her, she is too important in my life and I am too important in hers. Guess I am not going back to G.P. on Monday, will have to stay another week, oh well I have a Dr. appt on the 8th of novemember so going back for a week is rather pointless anyhow...