Oct 27, 2005 13:24
Everyday brings some new shit to my hell. A pal showed me a program that lets you see if people are blocking you on msn and yahoo so I try it out using names of people who would "NEVER" block me and AHA! Low and behold the father of my soon to br born child is blocking my ass. Now what the fuck does that mean anyhow? I have had more than enough of this shit, no more daddy. I am moving my ass to Vacnouver Island to be with my sister. She mput the offer up on the table and I honestly laughed it off, I would never need to move out there Trina! You'll all see, Cam will be a good daddy and come through in the end. Well the end has coem sooner than expected and I am over this mess for good. Too many of the men in my life have left me alone in times of need, too many have made promises they refuse to keep and too many have proven themselves not to be worth the price of their kidneys on ebay. I once asked him what he would have done if his ex had gotten pregnant, he said he would have stayed with her... what makes me so utterly horrid that I can't even get half the same respect? He will not be there when Rhiannon is born, he can see pictures like everyone else. I am not going to spend my time moaning over him. The worst of it is that our last conversation went well. Seemed like we could be friends and all. So much for that, DO NOT FUCK LITTLE BOYS.