First day back at school today. Was actually kind of depressing, with so many things running through my head; in the morning, all I wanted to do was to throw up, then go back to sleep. Then, I found out that my obsession, aka the student teacher for drama Mr. Lim, might have finished his course at the university and left my class for good. Fan-bloody-fucking-tastic.
The afternoon wasn't too bad, though. Michelle and I were kind of really fucked up during chemistry class and couldn't stop laughing (no, we weren't high -- drugs are bad!). We were talking to her about the kind of terminology used in fanfics, like when they put words in between astericks to denounce actions or sound effects (i.e. *thud*, or *drool*). Anyway, I was making fun of her obsession with her Sex God, Daniel, and was supposed to write down on a piece of paper:
Chaz: Look, Michelle! Daniel!
Michelle: *orgasms*
But I accidentally put "organisms" instead, and we just couldn't stop laughing. Our chem teacher, Ms Woodfield, shot us a dirty look; also, when Michelle asked for a pen, I gave it to her and was going to say "Mr. Lim has the same pen as me," but stupidly I said, "Mr. Pen has the same Lim as me."
We... just... couldn't... stop...
Hot List
1) Linkin Park!! And Nicole getting me that poster of them! <333
2) The majorly-glittery strawberry scented lotion Charmaine let me have. I was sparkly all afternoon.
3) Getting a 95% on my latest art project, especially since I just threw it together last minute. And I mean, really last minute; it was due today and I did it at 1 AM the evening before. XP
4) Getting money from my slinkster-cool auntie from Kansas. Thank you, Tita Lisa!!
5) Laughing with Michelle when we're supposed to be doing work.
Not List
1) Laughing with Michelle when we're supposed to be doing work because I said something stupid.
2) Having to walk to school in ass-deep snow and -10000000 weather.
3) The lack of a pair of
LP-DC Shoe Remix by Mike Shinoda on my shoe rack. XP
4) The batteries to my new CD/MP3 player ALWAYS - FUCKING - DYING!!
5) Not being able to watch The Chappelle Show because it's on at 12:30 on Tuesdays. *cries*
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