December 2006

Dec 01, 2006 12:18

10:07 pm December 12th, 2006

Jumping Right In

Well, I'm feeling chatty these days so I started a new LJ. Mostly because I couldn't remember the password or what email address I had for my old one, but also because I thought it would be good to leave behind all that baggage behind you know?

Anyway, as some of you know already, I'm pregnant. :) I couldn't put it on myspace and I blocked your comments about it since my co-workers are on there and I'm not telling my job yet.

Tomorrow I will get around to writing something REAL in here but for now, HI! I missed you guys.

01:56 pm December 14th, 2006

Dec. 14th

Today I feel really really tired and dragging. Some people went out and brought in Starbucks and I had to get a nasty skim decaf latte. And of course, the only thing I am remotely "craving" is sushi which I'm not allowed to eat. :/

I'm too cranky to write anything useful in here today so I will just say HI. I need to get back in the swing of LJ so I figured I would post something at least.... None of the screens look anything like they used to!

05:29 pm December 18th, 2006

Dec. 18th

You know, work has been a lot less stressful since I stopped giving a fuck. At the end of the day, whether I do a fantastic job or a crappy one, my boss will never be satisfied so I made the decision for my health to stop caring and just do the bare minimum like everyone else. She hasn't even noticed a difference but my stress level and symptoms (heartburn, headaches, you name it and I had it) have all gone seriously down or are completely gone so I think I'm onto something here.

This weekend Peter & his family came over for lunch. It was so good for me and especially for Damian since his class schedule has been driving him insane. We just ate and hung out for a few hours and then after they went home I took a nap! Peter & Phil truly do have the coolest mom ever. I had forgotten how great Sam was and how she used to always take care of all of us during the band days. Anyone else remember when she made tacos after "the break up"? Moms are smart, they always know that food fixes just about everything. And Peter brought me flowers which was really cute and in my advanced state of hormones almost made me cry.

According to this website my cousin found today, my baby currently looks like this:

I haven't been reading to or playing music for the baby yet but I do talk and sing to it a lot and sometimes I dance around the house and talk to it.... I'm still calling it "IT" or "eggbert" because I truly don't have any internal sense of whether its he or she yet. On Friday I have my first appointment and I think we will be able to hear the heartbeat already.

Current Location: Still at work....

Current Mood: mellow

Current Music: U2 - "One"

03:15 pm December 20th, 2006

Dec. 20th

Only one person reacted strangely to our happy news. A friend of ours who just said "really?" and we haven't talked to them since. Is it just me or is that weird? I mean, I am trying not to read too much into it but when I compare everyone else's reactions to this one it kind of bugs me.

I told one other person at work today, someone who I wanted to tell from the beginning but I worried because she is a bit of a loud mouth. She was very happy! She practically started crying! And then the first thing that popped into my mind was this friend of ours reaction. Maybe something about us being pregnant upsets them?

If they don't call me by next week I am going to call and straight up ask what the fuck their problem is.

Anyway... as my lease on the honda gets closer and closer to expiring, I've been thinking about cars again. Obviously a 2 door like mine is out of the running but I was wondering if anyone had any good car recommendations? I'm not much of a car lover but I would like something not too incredibly slow. I'm considering this Cadillac, does anyone have any experience with it?

Current Mood: okay

Current Music: dresden dolls - "half jack"

02:38 pm December 26th, 2006

Most of you know that for as long as you've known me, I've basically declared myself atheist. It's probably been a good 12-14 years since I decided that it was my belief that there was no God although I never really speak about it to anyone other than "online". If anyone ever directly asked me I would tell them with no problem and no shame but mostly I just let it slide when people brought the subject up due to the fact that it became the focus of conversation just like if I had said I belived in the Easter Bunny or worshiped Santa Clause or something.

So in the past few months, I've decided to dig a bit deeper. First I started looking at the reasons why I came to considering myself atheist in the first place and I realized a lot of it had to do with my disagreements with organized religion and not God, per se. For example the hypocrisy and contradictions of the many bibles available, the historical inacuracies, and of course the ridiculous moral rules and penalties for breaking them. I was raised Catholic, the mother of all guilt and pain religions, so I know what I'm talking about here.

So putting aside all of that man made "religion" has led me to a new place. I've been reading like crazy and am finding myself with so many new questions and interesting views that I had never really considered. Actually, I'm rather embarrassed that I had been so close minded on the subject for so long. I let myself fall into that atheist smarty pants mentality that all people who believed in God were "jesus freaks" and therefore not worth my attention. Side note, did you know that Charles Darwin was Christian? Only very late in his life did he start calling himself agnostic and that was mostly due to a personal tragedy where he lost a child and became dissilusioned with God. I found that so interesting since atheists love to use his name and his work as their mantra.

So I am educating myself bit by bit and giving this God hypothesis a try. Not that I am converted just yet but let's just say I have a million things buzzing through my mind about all this so I apologize in advance if I drive you all nuts with it...

Current Mood: thoughtful

Current Music: 80's playlist from my ipod

03:05 pm December 29th, 2006

I am trying not to be that annoying pregnant person who writes every little detail about their pregnancy until people are bored to tears with it so I joined some communities to do just that! However, I have to tell you guys that yesterday I had an ultrasound and I am officially 6 weeks (the doctors had a hard time figuring that out since my periods were so irregular) and we heard the heartbeat which was pretty incredible.

I think Damian has a picture of the ultrasound posted on his myspace but its not very interesting yet, you can barely see anything at all! And no, my work doesn't know yet that's why I haven't posted anything on myspace and Damian changed his to friends only just in case the snoopers decide to check it out. Email me if you want to see it and I will send it to you.

Yesterday after my appointment I hit Macy's for a bit and actually bought myself a dress for New Years. It's decent although I am still completely jealous of the dress my mother got as a gift! I couldn't find anything half as pretty so I settled for a simple black silk type dress with black velvet designs on it. That isn't a very good description but you'll have to take my word for it until the pictures arrive.

I started watching the Veronica Mars 1st season DVD that Tony & Nicole sent me and so far its excellent. Some of the episodes on the first disc are skipping though and I swear it wasn't me who scratched them! I took it right out of the box and put it in my dvd player so I dont know what's up Tony... They did a great job of setting up the few main characters right from the pilot episode and its witty and smart without being too pretentious. I love the actor who plays her father, I forget his name but wasn't he on that show about the newspaper? I need to finish the first season before I can give it a complete review though. But so far, its peaked my interest.

If I don't get to post again, I hope everyone has a kick ass New Years! 2007 is going to be amazing.......

Current Location: @ work

Current Music: Sting - Songs from the Labrynth (sp?)

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