I'm a very beginner in plant-related things, too. Every plant I've owned and loved has withered and died. I'm worried. But I asked for advice, and the lady said "BE ABSOLUTELY SURE NOT TO LET IT DRY OUT". So here, that means you have to water it every single day. Also, it's really sensitive to frost, so you have to bring it indoors if that's a threat. She said one of the main keys is actually using it regularly, which is something I ACTUALLY KNEW YAY. That was my plan. So I guess that counts as relatively temperamental? But I have very few plants this summer, so I'm not too worried (yet).
I can definitely see it being an empowering read. I still have never actually used the word "cunt" under any circumstances because it's a word that has been thrown at me more than once, and not in a nice way. I can definitely appreciate reclamation and I think the basis of the book is pretty rad, but I just can't stop my brain from tearing each page up. I've already underlined a bunch of things, like on page 6-7 she writes "women sometimes get pregnant and experience either the trauma of aborting or the courageous and underappreciated tribulation of devoting the rest of our lives to another human being" and that's just setting off all kinds of red lights in my head. NO, INGA, IT'S NOT AN "EITHER OR" SITUATION, nor is every abortion "traumatic" and yadda yadda. My brain. ): But I think I'm going to keep reading and see. Thank you for your insight!
She said one of the main keys is actually using it regularly, which is something I ACTUALLY KNEW YAY. That was my plan.
So I guess that counts as relatively temperamental? But I have very few plants this summer, so I'm not too worried (yet).
I can definitely see it being an empowering read. I still have never actually used the word "cunt" under any circumstances because it's a word that has been thrown at me more than once, and not in a nice way. I can definitely appreciate reclamation and I think the basis of the book is pretty rad, but I just can't stop my brain from tearing each page up.
I've already underlined a bunch of things, like on page 6-7 she writes "women sometimes get pregnant and experience either the trauma of aborting or the courageous and underappreciated tribulation of devoting the rest of our lives to another human being" and that's just setting off all kinds of red lights in my head. NO, INGA, IT'S NOT AN "EITHER OR" SITUATION, nor is every abortion "traumatic" and yadda yadda.
My brain. ): But I think I'm going to keep reading and see.
Thank you for your insight!
(edited for grammar fail and clarification)
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