Twentieth Spell [Accidental Audio-Nightmare]

Nov 19, 2008 12:18

[The comm. clicks on to the sound of whimpering, followed by violent shuffling and the sheets being tossed and wiped around furiously. When she speaks, her voice is distant, desperate, horrified-]

Nonono, not again not again...! Don't touch them! Don't you dare-! Please! Leave me alone, I-I don't want to- Nonono I w-won't lose control I won't hurt- ( Read more... )

nightmare, berserk, !rolo, !christine, bad memories, nonono, !lily, ikilledthemohgodikilledthem, !ichigo

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[Audio//French] chorusangel November 19 2008, 17:42:23 UTC
Amaria! What's wrong?


[Audio//Spell-Switched to French] faeriexprincess November 19 2008, 19:40:43 UTC
[The sobbing quiets a little, but it's still there. She thinks she's imagining Christine's voice.]

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... p-please come back...!


[Audio//French] chorusangel November 19 2008, 19:46:15 UTC
Amaria, what are you talking about? You didn't mean to do what?

Do you want me to come over?

[Even as she speaks, there's the sound of Christine leaving her room.]


[Audio//Spell-Switched to French] faeriexprincess November 19 2008, 20:00:07 UTC
Christine? C-Christine? A-are you? I-it wasn't real? Was it real? Oh G-god...

[The sob comes back into her voice.]

I'm so sorry...


[Audio//French] chorusangel November 19 2008, 20:06:26 UTC
Shh, it's fine, I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about.

[She tries to keep her voice as soothing as possible as she hurries to Amaria's room.]

It sounds like you had a nightmare. Don't worry, it wasn't real. Don't be afraid.


[Audio//Spell-Switched to French] faeriexprincess November 19 2008, 20:15:01 UTC
A n-nightmare? It wasn't real? Wasn't real? O-oh thank god, thank god, I thought I had-

[She dissolves into Faerie, the occasional sob breaking through. It just sounds like gibberish to Christine-Faerie is the one language that doesn't get translated to others.]


[Audio//French] chorusangel November 19 2008, 20:31:22 UTC
No, Amaria, it wasn't real...

[She starts at the sudden outburst of Faerie, but shrugs it off and concentrates on getting to her friend as quickly as possible.

Knock knock, Amaria.]


[Audio//Spell-Switched to French] faeriexprincess November 19 2008, 20:47:43 UTC
Not real not real-

[She jumps at the knocking, staring wide eyed at the door. W-who... w-was it...

She hesitantly forces herself from the bed, flicking on the light switch by the door and slowly pulling it open. She stops, stares, then sucks in a deep breath before throwing the door open and flinging herself at the other girl, hugging her tightly. She mutters in Faerie for a bit again without realizing it, sobbing once or twice before switching into normal speaking.]

You're okay, you're okay...! Thank god...


[Commentlog] chorusangel November 19 2008, 20:53:37 UTC
[Christine staggers backwards as Amaria lands on her, and only just stays standing. Seeing her friend in such a state worries her greatly, and she hugs the faerie tightly, hushing her softly.]

It's alright, Amria, it's alright.

[Whatever was in Amaria's nightmare obviously doesn't bear thinking about, and though Christine is beginning to piece together what happened, it seems so unlikely she almost dismisses it out of hand... almost.]


[Commentlog] faeriexprincess November 19 2008, 20:55:42 UTC
I-I thought it was real... it seemed real, I could feel everything and I saw-

[She forces that train of thought to stop and simply hugs her friend tighter, eyes clenched shut to keep herself from starting to sob again. If Christine's okay then so are the others oh thank god-]


[Commentlog] forniisan November 19 2008, 21:12:41 UTC
[And within moments, Rolo bursts through the door. He thinks he's heard from Christine a few times before-- now's not hte time. He rushes to Amaria, worry filled in his face.]

Amaria? Amaria...


[Commentlog] chorusangel November 19 2008, 21:33:12 UTC
[Christine gives Rolo a short nod, but stays silent, allowing him to take over conversation as she tries to comfort Amaria; stroking her hair and humming a lullaby under her breath.]


[Commentlog] faeriexprincess November 19 2008, 22:06:03 UTC
[She's calming a little listening to Christine's humming, but the second the other voice filters into her mind her ears prick, the faeries head snapping up, eyes wide. Rolo, he was here, he was okay-Rolo!]


[She pulls away from Christine to step towards him, still visibly shaking. Giving a small sob she moves forward and hugs him tightly, her forehead resting on his shoulder. God, he's real he's alive he's ok thank God-]

Y-you're okay... thank god you're okay...


[Commentlog] forniisan November 20 2008, 00:44:15 UTC
...Of course I'm okay. Are--Are you--

[He's checking for signs of a fever or something. What happened to her? He still doesn't get it...]


[Commentlog] chorusangel November 20 2008, 21:03:04 UTC
[Christine watches as Rolo checks Amaria over, her worry decreasing slightly now that someone else is here, and she smiles inwardly at the concern he's showing. It's obvious hwo much they care for one another.]


[Commentlog] faeriexprincess November 21 2008, 00:19:21 UTC
[She mumbles a bit in Faerie, her voice so low it's hard to even notice. She's still clinging to Rolo, hands clenched in his shirt- she had to make sure he was real, make sure this wasn't a dream. Had it been a nightmare? But it felt so real. Her mark still burned, pulsed, she could still see the blood-]

A n-nightmare... I t-think, b-but it seemed so real... a-and... I-I couldn't control it, I c-couldn't stop it, and it-

[Cuts herself off with a tiny sob, eyes clenching shut. Bad memories, bad times, a nightmare, it had only been a nightmare...]

I-I was so scared I'd lost you guys...


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