Twentieth Spell [Accidental Audio-Nightmare]

Nov 19, 2008 12:18

[The comm. clicks on to the sound of whimpering, followed by violent shuffling and the sheets being tossed and wiped around furiously. When she speaks, her voice is distant, desperate, horrified-]

Nonono, not again not again...! Don't touch them! Don't you dare-! Please! Leave me alone, I-I don't want to- Nonono I w-won't lose control I won't hurt- Don't touch me! G-get away from me-!

Rolo, Christine, run away! Please! I-I can't control it- Run away run away-

Ichigo, Lily, gogogo get away don't come near m-


[She screams, a long, wailing sound. Silence permeates the feed for several seconds, then quiet sobbing, probably muffled by her pillow.]

O-oh God, nonono... Rolo, I... I'm sorryI'msorry... I'm so so sorry... come back, please come back...!

nightmare, berserk, !rolo, !christine, bad memories, nonono, !lily, ikilledthemohgodikilledthem, !ichigo

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