Owie Owie!

Dec 29, 2006 16:22

Ow. Mort bit my thumb really hard and it fooking hurts. It's stopped bleeding like mad as I've plopped a plaster on (with savlon after washing it well with antibacterial soap) though there is 'a little bit of seepage darling' through the edge. It feels really deep, I can feel it throbbing right down near the bone I'm sure. Owwwwww!

Any advice on stopping hamster bites hurting? It's only the 2nd time he's ever bitten me and the first time he was tiny and had never seen feet before so thought they might be edible. He did try and nip me a bit once because I'd bleached my hair and the smell scared him, but he has never bitten me without warning before!

The daftest thing right now is that despite the fact my thumb REALLY hurts rather a lot, I feel guilty that I upset him that much that he bit me... He's not a bitey hamster so I'm worried I upset the poor love. I filled his food dish then scooped him up for a cuddle so maybe he was annoyed that I cuddled him before he had chance to inspect the new food supply, or maybe he was just still quite sleepy. Whatever.. I still feel guilty that I hurt his ickle feelings...

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