Joel's Army, the scariest fucking x-tian group out there. How bad are these guys? The conservative x-tians and Pentecostal groups are shitting them selves over their existence. Bestest yet, McCaine's VP is part of them!!! Hope you love breathing sulpher fumes and traveling in wicker containers. USA! USA! USA!!!
Diner tonight is going to be Cornish hens with a spicy mulberry glaze, potato and wild leek soup, homegrown apple cobbler, and maybe some wild mushroom saute.
No spore prints off of what I picked yesterday, if I don't see any, I'm going to have to dump them and that makes me sad.
My research into Fly Argaric has made me happy. I'm drying two large Amanita muscaria var. formosa's and I can't wait to try them. If anyone finds any of these, I'll be more then glad to buy them with gemstones.
My latest ebay shipment came in, a lab created saphire that's nice, but I like my irradiated quartz better for blue stones, a stunning, flawless, trillion cut peridot, and a mixed bag that was supposed to be 5cts. but is considerably heavier, containing white and blue topaz, peridot, garnets, and citrine. Also got a holistic medicine book from 1850 that is simply wonderful, not nearly as quack filled as others I've seen but has virtues unto itself.
My neighbor lent us a ladder the other night to pick some apples, when I tried to return it he said "there's still apples on that tree, don't you dare bring that back till you are all done with your harvest." We have awesome neighbors.